I was likin’ what I read at first, but as the article started to shift into what feels like rambling it killed it altogether for me. I could be wrong, but didn’t the Kougai come out in 2004? Ggml debuted in 2002 or 2003, and they were handpainting their own runs and one offs, and I think Secret Base was around the same timeframe. Where this dude got the idea that Honda was the first indie artist to release blanks and handpaints, I’m not sure. I feel like he read Takeshi’s paragraph on Bemon in Super7 Magazine and then made up about 80% of the rest.
I think Brian Flynn’s invention of neo-Kaiju artistically can only be rivaled by P-Diddys invention of the remix.
I laughed at this an inappropriate amount of time I gotta admit, it is funny watching the Bemon hype beast starting to come back. Motherfuckers that knew who Bemon was for years but never gave a shit all of a sudden buying up every kougai they can find and pretending they suddenly care can we as a community fake hype towards some bullshit lame brand and herd those cattle over there? I heard six eyes truman is really breaking new ground by adding 2 more eyes to a nag someone pulled out of a rusty woodchipper
150lbs in any timeline is a great price. I remember the mixed parts shuffle too lol. I just couldn’t afford to join in back then. That’s been my favorite thing about this board. I watched a priest video and he summed it up perfectly “I hope those of you having a rough time financially right now are able to find some enjoyment watching me shuffle through thes but as” when your down and out the board is always there to pick you up, no purchase needed.
I’ve always liked nags and bemons, they’re really great, was never in a spot to buy one (still not really) but hype beast I am not.
If I recall back in the the day M-World Service was getting Bemon HP’s from the first 3 runs for around $85 a piece. I know someone that had over 20 but I know they’re long gone now.
I remember going to mandarake in the late 2000s and seeing handfuls of bemons sitting around for 200 and not buying them because it seemed way too expensive at the time.