Yes, I had the same understanding. In fact, I was expecting to see an assortment of banners displayed with each log on. I think someone at one point wrote about a "random banner generator."
The banners were supposed to be up already, but getting the website finished had to happen first. here are still a few things in how it functions with the FL store we are finishing. The skullbrian type is not supposed to be there, our web guy pulled it as an FPO randomly, and he forgot to change it out. Sorry it got up on the site, it wasn't supposed to be, but I can't get it changed until tomorrow. -brian
Thank you for your reply. It's ok. For all, when you participate to a contest, your work should not be to use for another use than this contest. (Especially if you didn't win this contest.)
Not that I entered the contest for any reward but just for the fun of contributing to a beloved board, but I never received any surprise in my mailbox...
Was the new banner idea scrapped totally? Maybe we'll see them at the one year anniversary of the contest? Just curious. =) phil