man, a lot of these are great...isn't there a way that we can just rotate all of em, like one every month?
that rules! my favorite can you make the brain head a little transparent (maybe 90%) so it matches the body?
how about a script that randomizes the banner each day or a way for users to set themes in their preferences
This one is great. I kind of feel like the type could be lower, but that's picky on my part. I love how if you think about it the figure might easily represent how some of us feel in this hobby. Well I do anyhow. Nice one Fletch!
I would have liked to rework the type a bit so it was truer to the original font, but I wanted to get it in before the deadline. And yeah, thats the feeling I was going for. That seems to be something I see posted all the time, " I would love to buy (item) if only I wasn't so broke". Times is hard. Glad you like it, Pickle. The head is a bit distressed, but it might be hard to see in the image.
I agree with pickleloaf, the contributions are so different & good it's now a question of personal taste. I like the idea of random banners.
Flynn was the judge for this competition. The comments below are his: "1st Place I love the originality of just laying a few things out and calling it a day, getting off the computer, etc. Killer. 2nd Place I think they are playing to my weaknesses. He might as well have put a spring loaded Boba Fett on their too. 3rd Place (only because yes, hedorah does beat Bemon every time - very accurate content!) Plus I can make fun of Lord Bemon every time it comes up. WIn, Win." Brian Flynn Congrats to the winners! Please send me an email with your address and I will send you a never seen before S7 toy (including a t-shirt size might get you a bonus). I will not ship this toy until after we sell the lucky bags next week so you don't spoil any surprises. I would like to thank everyone who participated with a gift too! So send an email with your address and expect something cool in your mailbox soon. Finally, we have figured out how to rotate the banners so all of these entries, they will be added to the site in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for playing!