Here, here! Really looking forward to seeing the final production model. It appears a prototype of the Tiliqua rugosa he's been working on for some time now was finally on display and woah... it's huge! Also, the mini Kilaak set looks really cute. Photo courtesy of This one taken from AA's blog provides a better size comparison.
Fun! I'm enjoying that transition area between the back and stomach scales. Not sure whether this one is for me, but I'm sold on the UFO and little people. Hopefully those aren't all bundled together.
I've been waiting to see if AA's anatomical Godzilla would ever come to fruition. The original innards appear to have been repurposed for a standalone "SkeleGoji" model. Very, very anxious to see a painted sample. Photos taken from AA's blog.
Most probably. I believe it is the same model that was intended to be an inner skeleton for the new guignol Godzilla but it's been heavily modified since. Based on some notes in his blog I think he was having too much difficulty working out the kinks of a double layered figure.
these few last sculpts always look like someone is adjusting the focus on the details as your eye wonders the toy. I enjoy it with these sculpt shots and with blanks. Painted its not as fun. And I cannot unsee the Fossilla now. ha!
I agree, you can definitely appreciate the small details more on the prototypes, especially with that matte finish. It doesn't help that many of the releases thus far have been cast in dark vinyl and coupled with somewhat drab paint applications. I'd really like to see some more brilliant colorways in the future.
The Shingleback is very cool but it doesn't look like it was produced by the same sculptor as the others.
Perhaps not the most interesting colorway to start with but he's looking pretty cute. Photos were taken from AA's blog. Spoiler: More Images
This guy has the potential to be really fun. I'm hoping they do something bright and unexpected. This first colorway isn't doing anything for me unfortunately.
Yeah, not sure why they would go with such an unimpressive color scheme, there are some beautiful examples of real ones that could be used as inspiration:
Smarter than leaving it empty, unless they really did their homework on balancing the guy. I like this; I'm not absolutely crazy about it, but it feels subtly fresh.
Totally different animal tho. Take Pico's is a giant salamander. I see where you guys are coming from but I personally wouldn't compare the two.
Question for anyone else with a Golden Dragon. I love the sculpt and the size and the color. But there is a really weird paint transition on mine. They painted the whole underside of the tail gold and didn’t continue it onto the body. Just seems like a bizarre choice. Are they all like this?
Different figure, but the DesuGojis have a similar hard break at the bottom of the seam between the body and tail (in reverse). I don't know why they made that decision since it should just be black or the main body color and they already paint most of the tail accordingly. Really only the chest, belly, shoulders, quads, and spine just past where the tail begins should be "burning." I guess it's a nice effect when viewed at some angles.
Hmm…. I think I liked it better without paint. Not really feeling this colorway. Something just seems off.
I'm the opposite, I think it looks much better with paint. The "void" areas painted black saves it for me.