Is there a complete list (somewhere) of each version? I've lost count and not sure if I have all of them. And, is there a tongue-out version for EVERY color variation? Or when did that start?
Thanks, about 10 min after I posted that, I realized that Super7 began their archives... I hadn't even thought of that!
Is the archive incorrect? Shouldn't 'Alien Black' be the first one listed? Should not the date be July 23rd, 2014? I don't remember it having a second offering (coinciding with 'Alien Black Glow' {11.15.2014}).
I know the theme is mainly Alien but what about Aliens Queen? That would make one heck of an awesome sofubi piece if they could pull it off in miniature form. Heck id even love to get some Face Huger's, Dog Alien's or Space Jockey Pilot seat art.
Wasn't a huge fan of the new color, but I bought it to complete the collection. I would like to see more translucent ones. A blue would be nice.
An all clear version would be really cool. Ether red blood splatters or acid green blood splatters would work for me. A new sand colored version just popped up. Solid color with brown rub. Looks rather nice and will be my first Super7 Alien figure of the new year!
Acid Green's been a hope for me too. Though what I'd prefer will probably have to be a custom. Clear with black rub with the acid green color painted on the inside.
Im down with ether of these. A solid red alien would be nice as well. We have one called "Alien Red Death" but its not red at all its orange lol.
Solid red would be dreamy. Translucent red would be sweet, too. I'd kinda like one without rub or splatter as well.
I would also want a gold version, pure white with blood splatter and a spiral color that was on a clear alien.
I'm confused. Are there two Alien Queen releases coming up for 4/26 now? Orange & Black? Or was that just photo tricks?
Its a cool story (" that the magma has cooled the actual figure is the more horrifying Alien Queen Molten Silver Gray!") but i wonder why the change was made.
They probably want to stay close to the way the original Queen Alien looks before going off into allot of the crazy experimental colors. Kind of like what they did with the first Alien sofubi considering it was black to i think or pearl grey.
Anyone manage to get that queen alien piece that popped up? Missed it by a few minutes so now im going to have to see if it pops up on Secret Base cause normally super 7 doesn't restock these types of releases.
logged on right at 9:59pm.. refreshed a few times, saw it for a split second and it disappeared into the darkness.. literally after thirty seconds it was gonzo.. got it in my cart but it was already sold out.. craziness.
I was about to get the queen. I didn't have any trouble at all I wonder why others had such a hard time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯