I'd love a solid red one. I saw pics of this SDCC release where the chest was mostly red and it looked real nice. But this figure looks great in any color anyway.
I like it as a random insert, with hopes that sometimes it is common and other times the chase. This way I'll still collect 1 of every release and still get a few of each head sculpt.
just in case anyone was wondering what the chase looks like.. got pretty lucky here recently and scored one of the older solid gray aliens for $50 shipped.. really want the blue glow and the newer blood splattered version.. but not for $100 - $120 like they are going for on the bay..
^^^ Wow on top of it being a chase figure thats a really wonderful marbled piece you got there. That red and marine blue swirl combo is crazy.
So I didn't get the tongue out version but that doesn't really bother me. This is an amazing figure none the less. And i wanted to show you guys a comparison with the blood splatter version up closer. The blue is ALLOT lighter than the previous version. The previous looking blood color in the swirls is more of a lighter pink to. You cant really compare it on its own from the Super 7 photo. Also i was able to order this one from Secret Base so that was cool.
Yeah, I thought the blue was much lighter, but it really helps seeing the side by side pic, thanks for sharing that. Both are really nice in different ways, though I have a preference for the splattered version. Nice that you were able to get one from SB, I understood they would not sell to folks outside of Japan, or at least in the US (there was some message about having to go through S7 unfortunately).
The last time i tried it with the green version i got no response. This time they were surprisingly nice to me. Maybe its because im always nice when write to them for an order? Ether way Secret Base is cool in my book. Also yeah im glad i just dove in to buy it regardless of it almost being the same look. I guess its probably the lighting or something they were using for the commercialization of the piece. And in darker lighting it does look very similar to the blood splatter.
Loving the orange on this one. Can't really make out the red paint-rub, but it doesn't bother me. I can't tell if the teeth have separated a little from the mouth, or if it's just how it's made. When I took him out the teeth were pressed against the box, and there's a little space where it's connected. But it seems pretty secure.
Really like this one, and am glad I get a chance to snag one at DCon. http://blog.super7store.com/2015/11/18/ ... tom-alien/
this is the first time I can recall it, it works great! glad it's not like the old SB chrome plated style releases that the paints were known to crack.
Hello. I've been collecting Alien/Aliens stuff since 1986. Anything I could find; posters, books, toys, statues, comic books, etc etc.. I really cannot express how much I love these Super7 sofubi aliens. Even after all these years of collecting, nothing has ever excited me as much as each Super7 sofubi alien release announcement. These sofubis have become the centerpiece of my display case. I adore them. They really are amazing. My fear is that these releases will come to an end. The first edition was summer 2014. Does anyone know how long Super7 will have the 'Alien' franchise?
I don't think it will come to an end anytime soon. The franchise in general has survived for a long long time in comics and other forms of media so if anything i assume the interest in these lovely art pieces will only grow on ppl more. Plus you know theres a new movie in the works to right? So this would only increase buying sales of the figures and i would hope Super 7 continues the rights to produce these pieces. Im also hoping some silver ones get put on super 7 store pretty soon since i have no way of getting to Dcon.
The silver-rub Alien is absolutely beautiful. Best of the bunch so far, at least in my little ol' opinion.
Ordered my silver Alien figure earlier this morning. Can't wait to get it in hand and put it with the other 3 that I have in my collection!