A Nag Pa I Root (NAGNAGNAG) and der Angora Patio

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by mondocoyote, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Too bad about that since this community is his market. At least Frank was willing to interact with his fan base.
  2. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    Re: Got paranoia?

    That is NagNagNag? I slept with him once :oops: I mean we slept out for rxh toys at Jarinko.

  3. Joe Bunny

    Joe Bunny Comment King

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I love Dean.
  4. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I dont think I have anything to defend. Last time I was in Hong Kong, I bought a bunch of historical and current flags, from the flag of Palestine, to the Jewish flag, to the nazi flag, american flag, confederate flag etc. I know my history, I know the current situations around the world. I had a stack of these flags, and there was mentioned that one hand was blue and one was red. I thought of how controversial this thread has been, so I thought I would add a little more. So there! If you are so offended by looking at a Nazi flag, I hope you are just as offended by looking at a photo of President Bush. Politics are a lot different now, what was done in plain site, is now done behind closed doors, and with computers. Innocents are "collateral damage" and they are in the 100s of thousands, I am sure our government will catch up to Hitler eventually if they haven't already. If you do not think there has been a systematic plan for YEARS in this country to get rid of certain races in this country and the world, then maybe its time to go back to history class or dig a little deeper.

    I would use that photo for an art exhibit, store display, whatever you want to call it, because its freedom of speech and expression. I don't care that it was removed from the board, because censorship is rampant even in a country with a 1st amendment. I know that the internet and not really a country and this is an international community. but this thread has already had its controversy, will continue to have it, and again, I am stand behind by photo as artistic expression, and if you have anything to say about that, then you are no better than the people that you hate.
  5. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Yeah Greg. But don't be surprised if the pic stired shit. You probably knew that it
    would end like this. I also removed my shot naging you, as it was also of little taste.
  6. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I am not surprised at all. I understand you have to be neutral. Thanks for the reply.

    What I am surprised about is that no one commented on the photo with me and my arm around Alice!
  7. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Only when it suited, no?

    This thread, from top to bottom, is just plain strange. Yay for censorship.
  8. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    Re: Got paranoia?

    The first amendment only protects us from censorship by the government, not by private individuals.
  9. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Look at mr fancypants using facts to prove a point... :razz:
  10. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Got paranoia?

    greg - i didnt say you had to defend yourself, but that i would be interested in hearing your thoughts, and am glad you posted them. i do still think it is in bad taste to post your image just to add to some controversy, though.

    its true, i find the casual use of nazi imagery offensive, as well as president bush, as well as our current administration not having the balls to call out the armenian genocide for fear of upsetting a key ally in our two current messed up wars. i am also painfully aware that our prosperity as a nation is built upon the genocide and displacement of the native americans, and that as a nation we dont really care. you are also right that other groups of people have been harshly oppressed and continue to be still. not that long ago, most of the state i live in voted to uphold a ban on same sex marriage, for a recent example. i do not live in a fairy tale world.

    part of my job at super7 is to moderate and monitor (which does mean censor sometimes) the skullbrain, which is frequented by many different types of people, ages, nationalities, etc, and i stand by removing the photo. no hard feelings intended.
  11. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Re: Got paranoia?

    To be honest man, I didn't post it with the intent to ONLY cause some controversy, but I knew that it would cause some. Casual use of symbols and images do not bother me, but I can understand how they would bother other people, so I can understand why you would take it down.

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Neutral??? Yeah, its feeling a little like Switzerland here on the board now.

    And, I think everyone on this board now understands your view of history.

    I'd like to send you an additional 6 million customers, but alas they would have to claw themseelves out of their graves if they are not already dust or ash.
  13. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Fuck real politics.
    Toy politics is where it's at. :lol:
  14. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Toy politics SUCK. I'll stick to toys that sell themselves on their merits as toys, not what kind of controversy or hype they drum up. The sculpt isn't my thing, and nothing about its existence so far has been appealing.
  15. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Harmond, I have a question, you being a huge fan of Kozik why is okay for him to use the Swastika on some of his toys? As I understand he claims uses it to mock the Nazis, but in the end did Jewish people buying this with that intent? I see it appealing to a different crowd for the obvious reasons and in the end to sell product.

    Either way neither offend me, but I see how they would offend others and I would never own or display anything with a Swastica. Having made that statement I guess is does offend me.

    Kind of reminds me of Palin defending Rush Limbaugh's used of the retarded and wanting Rahm Emanuel's resignation for the same word. I don't understand the reasoning for that either. I'm just asking for clarification.


    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Re: Got paranoia?

    First this is not toy politics, and has nothing to do with toys. That is why an apology would have gone a long way, but it was hardly offered.

    You cannot compare realistically any regime with Hitler's. He sought to wipe out eventually all Jews and people of color. Even the Russians were earmarked for death and slavery, generally. You cannot compare this to Israel, which can be horrible but it is not Nazi Germany. This comparison is often made by anti semites who could not care less about the Palistinians or any other Arab: they just dislike Jews. I am not offended by a swastika. But the Nazi flag is more than a swastika - it is both a national and historical symbol. Comparing it to any other culture or flag is very offensive. It is the comparison that makes this a different act. Again, I would be just as offended if it were the US flag, because for all the things the US has done in the world, ours is not THE Nazi regime.

    Frank puts swastikas on toys for fun to show the reactive nature of people. He does not put swastikas on Jews or compare Jews or Israel to Nazi Germany. Many Jews dislike the policies of the government of Isreal, but the flag means more than that. Kozik does understand history, and if the Nazi were back I bet he would enlist, rather than wait to be drafted.. The Nazis were as close to evil this world has seen.

    This is not apples and oranges, which is the mistake you are making. This appears to be anti semitism, and if it is not, then a simple apology or explanation that it is not would be in order. Instead the posting of the picture is defended as free speach. Well that is also why you can find Nazis and racists on the internet, but it does not make it morally right. If free speach meant that everything said is acceptable, then what society would we live in? Racist speach is free speach, but do you really want it here without also expressing it has no place here?
  17. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I am making no mistake, I was asking for clarification to understand the difference. Not at all defending Mishka I didn't realize he was comparing the Jews to Nazis with his picture.


    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I am not sure he is comparing Jews to Nazis. That single statement is an over simplification, but that is what many would believe without a better explanation. It is hard to seperate the flag of Israel from the Jewish identity, which is more than just political. The flag carries the star of David, and most Jews would not want that compared to a swastika.

    Still, even the comparison of the State of Israel to the State of Nazi Germany, as explained, is offensive due to the history Jews have with Nazis. Many older Americans would see a similar comparison with the US flag as an invitation to fight, and at that point you have hate speach and the excuse of free speach might go out the window anyway, depending on the circumstances.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Got paranoia?

  20. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Re: Got paranoia?

    That's awesome!
  21. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Got paranoia?

    nah ... THIS is awesome! : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=34279

  22. Greg Mishka

    Greg Mishka Addicted

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I posted a photo, did not put any caption, and people came to pretty amazing conclusions/observations/opinions etc.
    I am a puertorican jew. I am an artist. I like to stir the pot. Mmm...pot.

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Re: Got paranoia?

    That's messed up!
  24. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Re: Got paranoia?

    I think you missed that the American flag actually is represented in that picture. Note the figure's red, white, and blue paint job.

    And there are many American Jews that do not support Israel's politics, organized even to the point of holding anti-Israel demonstrations on a regular basis. There are also groups of other Jews, mainly orthodox, who oppose the existence of Israel on a religious basis, strange but true.
  25. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Re: Got paranoia?

    Also, Israel Fun Fact: that flag was actually in use about 50 years before the state of Israel even existed.

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