I had to say this. I for one am guilty as hell for paying absurd prices for toy's. I should know, my Bemon fever has caused me to do crazy things.I wish all my toy wants were only $150 bucks, If they were I would be a very happy toy collector. I said the above just to see what kind of reaction I would get. I love this Two headed bastard,but I hate the thoughts of laying down 5 bills or more to get one,but like the old saying goes "if you want to play you got to pay".. I don't think I'll be playing with this toy anytime soon though!
These guys are like Bigfoot, the Yeti, and the La Chupacapbra of the JP vinyl world. It's soo hard to get/find them they almost seem unreal almost to the point where I start not to care. At the prices they go for I wonder if Mr. Bemon is the one making the $$$ or the one getting the short end of the money stick.
...same thoughts. everyone who is interested in these saw pics anyway - no need to post it. would be much appreciated if folks could wait until some went on yja before posting "news" here. thanks!
Wow dream toy for me. That's why I don't even search on yja for it. I am not qualified. can someone pm what it went for?.
So I just discovered this 3rd thread on Bemon, talking mostly on paying a grand for one of these figures. I laugh now because you can't touch anyone of these guys for a grand anymore. Let alone find one. This is what you get if you don't want to spend a grand.
And here is what I think of getting what you pay for. That being said, I paid threw the nose for my RED version and he is well worth it. Like its been said, to hold and have in your hand is an entirely different experience. I wouldn't have it any other way nor would I ever EVER sell him. Best paint version ever.
This is also a great toy in its own right. Skull Head Butt is very prolific and his toys are very well painted and made.
Actually with a bit of patience you can pick many of the 2HB colorways up on YJA for around 12-1300 usd or so in today’s market, roughly half of what Mandarake is charging -if that is the yardstick you are using. But please, don’t let me deter you. Blather on!
A couple shifted on eBay for a little over $1000 recently. Black/silver and red/black. Congrats to whoever picked them up; good enough chances they're on here
Better than making a whole new thread, just for someone to grumpily come in with a “There’s already a thread for this” reply. Plus, I’d just as quickly talk positive about the 2HBemon over majority of shit that’s been goin’ on here lately.
Rich, I saw a thread on the first Bemon Pollution Monster and that you had sculpted your own version which was very bad ass. Did it ever come to production?
I am happy to revive this 5 year old thread as I trip over my excitement and blather on ad nauseam. I love the 2HB and love reading all the comments pictures opinions etc. Happy to share pictures here too. My luck with YJA has not been the best as far as the seller shipping to warehouse which waits and then ships to me. I did see the group of 2HB on YJA but it was after they had all been auctioned away. Mandarake shipped out my Red 2HB day after I placed order and I got him in just 4 days!!!
True but I don't have much time left here on earth. ON a side track: L'amour Supreme Sir I say DANG. This is beautiful. Can I still get one?
Sure man, I’m sure L’amour has been holding one back especially for you all these years, in the event you get jazzed about Two headed Bemons. What are you smoking? I’d definitely like some. I mean, fuck...I might have a few of those Monster Island resin pieces kicking around if I dig around a bit. I’ll send them to you for free if I can lay hands on them. In return, do yourself a favor and perform some due diligence on your questions before asking inane questions. If Blobpus did a Galligantus run a while back, chances are you aren’t going to be able to score one from him. Put it in your wants section in this board. Pretty much everything in this hobby is made in tiny quantities. I promise, I’m not being an asshole. I’m trying to do you a favor before you raise the ire of the entire board. Google is your friend.