The fugliest toys you have seen while collecting.

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by deadboy, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    5 colors of tightly applied spray, primarily utilized to accent the sculpt's details, with over half of the base vinyl left exposed to sell the story? Win.
    The Moog likes this.
  2. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Yeah - i like that part of it. The rest, not so much.
  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Don't forget the bwain gimmick!

    I think the spine is rather swoon-worthy, too.

    Considered? 'Taint an unofficial thing about it! :D

    My favorite? No. Compared to everything else in the thread? Best toy in the world!
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Yeah, I am down with the Beams 'cloud' MG release, too, but I also can totally appreciate it is a bit of off-shoot and would not appeal to everyone. That being said though, it is fully in line with other Beams' takes, captures this CULTART aesthetic perfectly I think, and is far better executed than anything else in the vein of customs or the work in this thread. So yeah, basically what I am saying is that it is deviation from standard/traditional MG paints, but I can see room for it in this hobby, if not to general wide appeal.
    The Moog and XVivaHateX like this.
  5. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    I love visiting BEAM's and checking out all the overpriced, next-level creative, eye-opening, inspirational craziness that they always have going on, be it clothing, object d'art, books or toys . . . but never buy anything there.

    This falls within that remit.
  6. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    this 100% . Its not my taste at all but I think its well done. Its a masterpiece compared to these custom day-glow clusterfucks that curse this thread.
  7. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    The slight OCD in me is so so so bothered that only one of his “nostrils” is blue. Also not a fan of the Easter pastels. Of course, that’s just my opinion. Fugly enough to be here? Nahhh.
    Daaaamn. The only thing that sets those two mouths apart is a flip and another row of teeth. Otherwise they’re the exact same mouths. I have no idea how anyone can rip off someone’s design so obviously and not expect to be called out for it.
    The Moog likes this.
  8. rattanicus

    rattanicus Mini Boss

    I think the blue / cloud idea works well, but not the rest. I would've used colors more suggestive of a sunset or storm. Or just more silver & gold! As is, this paint scheme would be better left for an actual "cute" toy, or a kid's bedroom walls.
    hellopike, XVivaHateX and The Moog like this.
  9. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Out of everyone's opinions so far, I think this is closest to how I feel. At the risk of repeating myself, I think elaborate customs like this just distract your eye away from the toy itself. The painter is using the toy as a blank canvas, forcing their vision onto it, rather than working with it.
  10. rattanicus

    rattanicus Mini Boss

    This seen on FB just now... makes me like it a whole lot more! I cry for that Goji tank :cry:
  11. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Fruity cloud mechagoji is dope
    Where’s a link so I can buy one?
  12. IzzyRodriguez

    IzzyRodriguez Toy Prince

    The pink, yellows and greens are throwing me off(and for whatever reason making me think of an olive loaf) but I actually kind of adore that cloud effect! The grey, silver and blue are real lovely. Though when I think of mecha Godzilla I don’t necessarily imagine dreamy cloud gazing :lol:
    The Moog likes this.
  13. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Okay, I know opinions are like assholes, but here is mine: the cloud effect strikes me more like graphics than a paint scheme. Too literal for my tastes.
    hellopike and The Moog like this.
  14. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Seeing some toys in this thread often makes me think I exist in a completely different world of this hobby.
    hellointerloper, Bob and The Moog like this.
  16. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Well it's MVH so y'know
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    Anti Social Andy likes this.
  17. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Not saying it wasn't made out of love, and that a lot of time, care, and yes, skill went into its creation, but the arrived upon result is just singularly unappealing to me. Rich's toys aren't my thing, but its not difficult for me to imagine what others see in them, and there's always an appealing balance in the sculpts. This guy, though, just looks awkward to me, with no one detail resolving the other.

    This is the minority report, I know this, and one man's goth is another's Garfield.
  18. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Rich is a nice guy and one hell of an artist, but he's a sensitive soul online. Here's hoping he doesn't take this the wrong way, but its not one of his best, probably because its a 'tribute' to an existing classic, and not one of his original designs.
  19. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Thanks to this thread, I can spot Zukaty paint apps instantly. Pink, sparkles, rainbow barf.
    IronPaw, MoonspellxRites and The Moog like this.
  20. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    @toothaction Ok, I’ll chime in, because I personally like the Kakumon figure very much- to me it’s akin to a good cover song, where the band playing takes an older song you already love and puts their own spin on it.

    Like Rage against the Machine covering The Rolling Stones.
  21. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

  22. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    That sounds horrible!!
  23. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Indeed, plenty of examples of recycled / reimagined sofubi sculpts out there ...

    Some are hits, some are misses. Its all subjective.
    MoonspellxRites likes this.
  24. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

  25. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    ^^ Now THAT .......... is a fucking classic!

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