Fuck Yeah Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by xSuicide Squadx, May 18, 2018.

  1. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted


    That would be a large baby.. lol
    Max Rodriguez likes this.
  2. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Two good friends of mine just had baby sons, three more good friends are close to having kids and are stoked to be parents, my Mom is getting her necessary second knee surgery this month, I haven’t had a manic episode in three weeks, and I went to a really great hardcore show tonight with a lot of great friends and acquaintances.

    I’ll also be back in Japan next Thursday for 12 days.
  3. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    FUCK YEAH! Happy to hear all the good news!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  4. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Thanks, dude! This doesn’t seem to be much of a desired to be utilized thread, but I still enjoy the concept of it, and the sharing. :D
    Brooklyn_Vinyl likes this.
  5. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I remain all for it while continuing to have a not very fuck yeah year. Carry on!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  6. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    I think this thread is great, but its a lot easier for people to complain than to realize the awesome things going on. Hopefully this thread sees more activity!
    kichigai likes this.
  7. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    This is something I can find very understandable. Though I do appreciate the admiration from afar for what I hope is the thread’s integrity.

    I’m admittedly fueled by anger/frustration most days, but I absolutely recognize any and all good things when they come about, especially when good people’s make it happen!
    kichigai likes this.
  8. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Ok, if it's the small things,
    Thank you Amazon for picking up the tab for UPS to intercept and deliver a pricey computer part to a different address, because of a sudden change in plans! They called UPS, and authorized a $21 charge on their account, so that the UPS guy wouldn't leave it at an unsecured location, where it would get stolen fot sure! Didn't expect such good customer service! :)

    p.s. Congratulations on all the good news Roger! :D
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    xSuicide Squadx and DrMadness like this.
  9. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @Mr. Humphreys That’s awesome, Grace! Even the little things can make some big differences in one’s day! I’d like to think the toys we collect are very representative of that! A kind gesture on Amazon’s part to eliminate frustration and ensure a smile at the end of the transaction!
    Mr. Humphreys likes this.
  10. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Fuck yeah! For whatever! I'm a card-carrying curmudgeon, but yet I'm all for positive vibes.

    Oh wait, I have an actual fuck yeah moment to talk about. Thanks to seeing a random custom 3 3/4 inch toy in my Instagram feed I found a comic book I read about 40 years ago that left a huge impression on me. Really thought there was no way to track it down, and it just fell into my lap.
  11. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @Lttr Prssd Dude, that’s so cool. I’ve had few moments like this, where, something that brought me much joy as a kid coincidentally came back into my life as an adult, and retained the joy/impact! What was the comic, if I may?
  12. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    ungawa222 and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  13. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @Lttr Prssd That’s a great read, dude! What a trip down memory lane, and such a snap of memories that bumrushed your senses. It’s like someone instantly getting their memory back after an amnesiac period of time in a movie. I’m gonna have to scope out the rest of your blog when I have a bit more downtime!
    Lttr Prssd likes this.
  14. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

    This is a Fuck You and a Fuck Yeah!
    Went camping with a bunch of families. The car i was driving died. Alternator broke. Middle of the woods, i locate a Alternator in Reno, also had to buy tools. Spend a bunch of my day driving and day 2 i fixed it. So i saved a bunch of money and did it myself...
  15. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    Thanks for checking out the story! I really thought there was no way to figure out what comic this was (much different than trying to track down a Super-Hero comic) with only one image to go off of.
  16. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    So I've been spending time this year working on my health and.. Fuck Yeah! I've officially lost the weight my Dr. recommended I lose!
  17. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Nick, that’s awesome, dude!!! I, too, have been taking a little more time to inwardly focus, and it’s been goin’ pretty nicely. Very, very stoked to hear you’ve been achieving your goals!
    Vinyl Skin, DrMadness and kichigai like this.
  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    That's great work, Nick, congratulations! F yeah!

    I could make all the usual excuses, but I really would love to get back to a more active lifestyle. Well, with the heat endurance at my workplace now, maybe I could have it reclassified as a spa/sauna treatment. ;)
    DrMadness and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  19. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Fuck yeah! River just had his four-month doctor appointment and we were told that he is in the 80th percentile as far as height/length goes. We are going to have a very tall child, hooray! I say that now but wait until he’s a teenager and he’s as tall/taller than me and can kick my ass. LOL
  20. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Hey nice! That's great news, Noel! A biggun on the way. :)

    Sad news to hear of William Goldman's passing. Anyone with a penchant for reading (if such a thing still exists) please go out and find a copy of The Princess Bride, because fuck yeah, that is a piece of gold, and so much better than even the credit the movie gets. RIP to a great author and screenwriter.
    DrMadness and zindabad like this.
  21. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Sad indeed. I remember reading the book and watching the film because my first girlfriend was obsessed with them. My love for both has outlived that relationship. Neil Gaiman's 'Stardust' isn't as brilliant as a pure work of prose I think, but if you haven't read it already I'd recommend picking up a copy that includes all the illustrations by Charles Vess, and enjoying it as a fantastical picture book for adults.

    Entirely unrelated: I'm very grateful for the friends giving me updates on DCon this weekend. Nothing to do with muling or help at the show, I'm just very happy that I can get caught up in the excitement, see people I'm rooting for come out with brilliant toys, and enjoy the booths even though I'm across the country. A big thank-you to everyone I'm talking to :)
    DrMadness and ultrakaiju like this.
  22. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Fuck yeah!
    coma21 likes this.
  23. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Fuck yeah for checking tracking for my package from Mandarake and seeing it going through customs in NYC rather than the hellhole that is Chicago... I'll be getting my package within a week instead of well over a month!
  24. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Fuck yeah, both of my enamel pin orders came in today! I will share them at some point during the night. 8):thumbsup:
    DrMadness and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  25. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King


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