Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    If people find these offensive then they might as well find the red skull and cobra offensive. Big X (ビッグX) was based off nazi experimentation. The dude fought nazis in the same way that captain america did.
  2. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    From the posts I've seen from various gallery-goers, Bombastic Plastic looked like a really fun time. So a mighty large "EFF YEW" goes to my work schedule and bank account for not allowing me to travel out west to be there. Oh well.
    3wing likes this.
  3. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Oh man. They're just toys. Awesome toys, but at the end of the day preserving friendships is more important than toys.

    Fuck me. I was a dumb fuckhead and after my hospitalization, I had the hairbrained idea to break up with my boyfriend. Now he's on a journey to "find himself" and I'm realizing, like the old saying goes, "You don't know what you're missing until it's gone." He says he needs to get himself together before possibly repairing things. It's been 2 months. I'm losing hope at this point. Been trying to work with my therapist and try to figure out how all of this happened because I wasn't even sure, think I have it down now... but I guess in the end it's all worthless. 8 and a half years of being together. I just wish I had some idea of where his head is at, but last time I asked he got annoyed about having to repeat himself.
    And it's really not a matter of "getting over it" and finding someone new, because without going into detail, I'm incompatible with almost everyone.
    I really really fucked up.
    Nuggets303420 and The Moog like this.
  4. Ghost Target

    Ghost Target Fresh Meat

    Fuck you to having to enter a lotto for a chance to buy the toy either online or at the show. Double Fuck you to the ebay scalpers who get these for the sole purpose of flipping them...
  5. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    FU to my allergies. I always get bad allergies in Spring but his year has been the worst. California actually got some rain recently and because of that everything is going full bloom. Even when I take medicine my allergies get the best of me. Today I sneezed so much that now I'm wheezing :/ I can't wait until summer.
  6. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    I think you know almost everyone in the Denver crew and you’ve met most of us personally and you know how we do. It’s the one you haven’t met personally. lol
    Something tells me that you would only need one guess.. :lol:
  7. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    yes, lets give up all of our constitutional rights because crazy people did crazy things.

    the moderators have asked repeatedly not to talk guns here.

    laws for thee, not for mee... so progressive of you!
    IronPaw and Johnny Black like this.
  8. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    ^ He's right, kindly keep guns and politics in general out of here. Thanks!
    Johnny Black and The Moog like this.
  9. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    anybody else following the i pity the fool kickstarter?
    i've looked here and there since greg has made threats of people dead to him if they don't back his project lol.

    as of now there's 96 backers.
    89 backers have pledged $4800 and will be receiving rewards for their pledge... his numbers shot up from $5,100 last time i checked, to 10,655 now.
    that means 6 backers pledged $5,855 and wanted no rewards for for those pledges. interesting to say the least.
    Anti Social Andy likes this.
  10. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Doesn't Greg know that he and his brand are dead to most of the world now... at least to those who are relevant :lol:
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Are we talking Mishka? Because if we are, that's how dead he is to me, that I don't know shit about his Kickstarter. What?
  12. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    "In 2018, a crap hipster unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the New York underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as backers for lame kickstarter projects. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The B-Team."
  13. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    If it's meant to be, it will be. Put your thoughts into the universe and hope it comes back. There is a reason for everything. I wish you the best for sure and hope it works out because true love should never be denied.
    hellointerloper and Purple Bat like this.
  14. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit




    Super 7 got denied to make awesome Thunder Cats toys for this shit? Gee I wonder how that new He-Man cartoon is going to look?!

    Because apparently these are the kind of super heroes kids are into nowadays or at least that's the excuse. :x:roll::thumbsup:
  15. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    So it's Teen Titans Go vs Steven Universe vs Thundercats?

    Not that I watch these shows regularly, but it looks like that style.

    (I did enjoy that Thundercats reboot from a few years ago. It was decent from what I remember.)
    Headhunter likes this.
  16. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    That just looks awful
  17. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    THANK YOU! This is a spit in the face to every one that loved Thunder Cats.
    Nuggets303420 likes this.
  18. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Sad to see Thundercats updated that way, but the big eyes/noodly arms look is where the industry is right now. Personally I'd rather they hadn't rebooted it.

    For the record, Steven Universe is excellent TV. Slow starter, but once it hits its stride it handles family relationships, losing a loved one, and the weight of the past with more maturity than a lot of live-action adult shows I've watched. It also remains kiddy enough that I can enjoy it with my 8-year-old sister, and we enjoy it for totally different reasons. That's one thing I'm appreciating more and more about newer kids' shows, even though plenty of them are trash and the noodle-arms look is overdone now.
  19. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    The time span for no manic episodes came to a screeching halt two days ago, and I’ve spent the last 48 hours feeling like everyone I come into contact with heavily dislikes me for some reason, and it’s totally irrational. I think. Hopefully some sleep and a new sun will bring about a better day!

    On the flip side, I do have a positive to post in the ghost town that is the Fuck yeah Thread.
  20. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Man you're one of my favorite people to run into at conventions, and thats from the 5-15 minutes I see you a year. My brain isn't working right now, but I think thats a credit to your character. Keep your head up
    We're here for you man!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  21. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Fuck you to the Canadian animators who changed the reg points on these rigs, renaming all the symbols, and for using multiple versions, turning a 1 day job into 4 day job to update all of their files!
  22. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @DrMadness Thanks, Nick. The kindness is very much appreciated. It’s always a joy when you stop by at the booths, man. You bring a great positivity with your presence!
    DrMadness likes this.
  23. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    I just don't like my childhood being turned to shit.
    DrMadness likes this.
  24. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Nate, a.tom and zindabad like this.
  25. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    not defending it at all because I agree that looks like garbage, but as someone who's worked on reboots and felt the fury of ruining people childhoods, just remember that the old cartoons are still there for you and if that abomination makes it to air you can always say "Oh yeah but I mean the Original Thundercats" not the piece of shit they're making now. Then you get extra cool points anyway. Don't get me wrong, that looks like shit, I just searched for it hoping it was a joke.
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