DCon 2019 - Deck Your Hauls

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by xSuicide Squadx, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    I realize there’s already been some sharing in the Muton DCon thread, but this being the “show off” area I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a central hub for haul sharing! My apologies if it’s frowned upon, but I hope you guys contribute! Let me start off by saying I had so much more fun than I anticipated, and I am beyond elated and thankful for being able to get so many rad toys that makes me smile. It was insanely cool for the Lulubell booth to have been so close to Paul, Creature Bazaar, PNL Toy Works/Bad Omen Toys and Sour Lemon. The overall energy and good vibes comin’ from this corner, artists and collectors, was just fuckin’ fantastic. Paul having an amazing majority Saturday sale and just hangin’ loose on Sunday with everyone was really rad and a major highlight for me, and obviously havin’ Dennis with us for the first time was huge for a lot of people. Same with Science Patrols Cory and Choke Hazard Luke. I finally got to meet Ishi Synapse after corresponding for a couple years via Instagram, which was great. Amy and David at the booth with me is always a wonderful and chill time. Hangin’ with Headlock Studio/Maruhachi Gangu was a lot of fun, and watching Ken’s continued success is killer. Overall the vibe of everyone was just...awesome. I had a blast and I miss everyone already. Onto everything I need to find room for.









  2. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Dayummmmmm killer haul!!!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  3. Madmax405

    Madmax405 Addicted

    Good work Rob. I will be waiting to see your awesome photos on that new Karma!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  4. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Megan posting haul pics before I get a chance to...
  5. Spasm One

    Spasm One Toy Prince

    Is pink color of the Skull Kun is GID ? It seems a bit strange..
  6. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @Russblue11 Thanks, Kevin! There was a lot of prep that went into being able I pick this up! :lol:

    @Madmax405 You and Ishi both! He was generously complimentary to me about my photos, which was rad! Hopefully I’ll get on it soon!

    @animator I love you how two were able to squeeze all of that into such a dedicated space. :lol: Not a bad toy in the bunch!!!

    @Spasm One It is not GID, no. It’s a Frankenberry tribute!!! :D
  7. Bill

    Bill Fresh Meat

    @xSuicide Squadx That Skull Kun is awesome! No one was selling that at the convention, right?

    I posted this in the other thread so I'll post it again. I'm extremely happy to have picked up most of what I set out to get, in addition to a few things that caught my eye. Punk drunkers doing a lottery this year was super nice, the line last year seemed insane. Also really looking forward to seeing science patrol at more conventions in the US.
  8. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    @animator - Who's the little blue half-fellow at the lower right?
  9. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    The chibi Kanegon? Lulubell had a bunch of these, I really liked the minty color of it and the light blue Baltan.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  10. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @Bill I appreciate your willingness to bring your come ups here! And the Skull Kun was actually picked up for me by a friend in Sendai, and it just happened to land at my house the day I came home! It’s a Frankenberry homage! :D
    Bill likes this.
  11. obsessedpanda

    obsessedpanda Toy Prince

  12. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

  13. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @nicholasfung Shit, dude, should’ve introduced yourself if you were there! Would’ve been rad to meet you! Two other buddies of mine won, as well, and they both got one offs! I went back to speak further with Ishi - San and while I was waiting a woman who’s number was called was too nervous to choose, so she asked me to. The blind bag I picked was the third and final one off. :lol:
    nicholasfung and obsessedpanda like this.
  14. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    @xSuicide Squadx AH SHOOT! next time we should formally meet! My head was elsewhere this year because of the Game of Hope event!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  15. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Nice haul @xSuicide Squadx ! The Cinema monster to the left of the Karma looks especially dope. The @JoeMan collaboration with David looked great and definitely would have been one of my early stops.

    Also looks like there were many kumons to go around, which is always nice. And to get them from the man himself must have been especially great. It's good Dennis is coming ashore more and maybe with Ishi and Izumo coming we'll see more Japanese artists in general.

    Funny how it went from "2019 is really kinda dying for sofubi thanks to Funko" to a damn DCON renaissance artist-wise
    JoeMan, zindabad and animator like this.
  16. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    all that headlock! jealous!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  17. aarnfnchr

    aarnfnchr Toy Prince

  18. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Great haul, nice mix of everyone
    aarnfnchr likes this.
  19. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @kid_miracleman The painted Cinema Monster run is flat out gorgeous. I can't wait to shoot this and the blank. I have a lot of shit to photograph, as seen above, but I'm excited. I genuinely had no idea I'd come home with this much, but I'm super glad I was prepared. Even Headlock initially showed only four releases, then BAM. Dennis really did cater to fans like crazy. Everyone that was in line got a Neapolitan. I intentionally kept out of the line to get that one person in that wanted one. After the line was totally done Dennis opened the booth to everyone and I walked up to a Neapolitan Kumon and a clear glitter tower with ease! Admittedly, I haven't seen anyone anywhere state that Funko is/was killin' off sofubi traction. I don't even see how that statement could be seriously made.

    @aarnfnchr Fantastic haul, dude! Great mix of everything in there! Eclectic, but as a displayed collection all ties in nicely and pleasingly! :D
  20. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Thanks for sharing your haul pics, here, all... so fun to look at these wild gangs.

    Looking forward to someone here posting one of the Hormorahs that Lulu had, either chibi or full-size...
  21. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    Really the only thing I wanted and was lucky enough to grab.

  22. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    My DCon haul!

    I'm still in disbelief that Escaregot has made a return. I had a little time on Sunday to wander away from my booth and when I stumbled upon the Super7 booth I swear my mind was actually blown.

    I picked up some other random stuff and met a ton of awesome makers.
  23. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The smallest hall haul of them all!
    Tsuburian dreams turned into Daiei and so-called second tier Toho reality... Quite delighted nonetheless!

    For your pleasure:

    Kure Kure Takora, Gimmie Gimmie Octopus, Yokai Monsters, M1Go, Yujimade, Karakasa-Kozo karakasa kozō
  24. MyVinylVeins

    MyVinylVeins Toy Prince

    aarnfnchr likes this.
  25. treblekicker

    treblekicker Beggars Can't Be Choosers

    my absentee haul:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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