The "news" section is where they list all their new merch, regardless of whether it's available. I believe "toy" and "other" show what is available for purchase.
so who wants to help me blow my budget even more and add that bxh with a medium tshirt to their order??
wow, this has huge implications.... where does the supply priority go? rabid fans buying direct with higher margins or to the retailers that got SB here in the first place and lower margins? hmmmm.....tricky.....
my order got rejected too. I was trying for a SDCC SkullBxBxB because it didn't say "sold out" anymore..
As posted earlier, it appears that everything in the 'News' section is for information only and long gone!
OK,OK..They are sold out, but I have a tshirt coming, so it's not all that bad. Now besides this board, mandarake, kaiju taro, and about 20 others, I'm gonna have to check SB every hour too I'll never get any work done
my order got accepted for the new kun they posted or i at least hope so cuz they asked what shirt size i was so in stoked!!!
really...well they just asked my shirt size so im hoping that means they still have some up for grabs but they said they only had small shirts...but im in it for the kun
I bet the guys at Secret Base are really thrilled that when they finally opened ordering up to the U.S. they got bombarded with e-mails from a bunch of fools trying to get something that sold out a week ago. I bet they are regretting it now.
I received the "sorry, not available email" as well. I think NT is correct as to how to look for what is available.
Forget trying to order from the "NEWS" section, I'm ordering from the gallery, coz it has everything!
while u guys are trying to order from news sections or galleries i have preordered everything in the meantime smooth and easy from a us toyshop called S7.