Its worth a try but I can't imagine all that being available. The Pirates, SDCC stuff, Rainy Day Brain, etc had been labeled sold out for awhile. If my order request goes through I'll be shocked.
all i can say is that it's worth a email, every other option i had didn't work. But at least now we have a shot of doing it from here, without going through Celga.
not sure if you can order any of the stuff from the news section. most of that like the black unknown and supertouch pirate are sold out.... i would love to be wrong...
BTW 100th post! if this ordering works, you can all send me a thank you card If it doesn't it was still worth the gamble!
If it doesent... youll be remembered as the guy w/ ordered out of the news section... j/k thanks for giving us hope. and a heads up
well if nothing else, we know that it's now possible for us to order from them, without going through a middle man and paying fees. that's more than we ever had before.
They're going to get a ton of orders from the news section and its going to be your fault Tinman. I did it too though because those things were clearly marked "sold out" earlier and maybe theres a remote chance they held some stock for tonight.
Maybe they'll see how much we want their stuff, and have larger runs of items. Or a RFSO discount would be nice,....Hmmm A RFSO Skull Pirate??
I'm just kidding around man, I tried too. Thanks for the heads up, hopefully they'll clarify whats really available for sale on the site.
I think Hiddy is aware of how much we want the stuff...but he seems to be thinking about other things than upping production numbers... he strikes me as a shrewd guy...if our collections were easy to get together, why would we want the stuff so badly? lalon
I'm trying for 2 unknowns, if I get them, I'm selling one to Hank at cost. It sucks to part with something you love , then have to get rid of it.
Even if the items are still sold out and they just forgot to put the "sould out" text over the toys while installing the topic for "online orders" for non-japanese people, its pretty cool what tinman is doing for others. Huge Thanks to him for being such a nice guy - Yeah
I heard tinman volunteers at the orphanage and works nights to put his grandma thru nightschool. and still has time to help out the little guys online! what a kind soul.