This thread is dedicated to sofubi creator Yoiko Omocha. Information on them is sparse, perhaps fellow SBers can shed some light on them. Yoiko Omocha debuted their figure Elly on Instagram in 2017: Their second sculpt, Odd Eyed Super Yankee was unveiled in March, 2019: Potentially we have the following Doraemon looking figure upcoming to look forward to:
It is also note worthy that the second release of Elly came in a pencilcase featuring a comic book, cards and other goodies. I would like to emphasise this bonus police dog figure which I find reminiscent of Yoshitomo Nara: I believe the clothes were randomly coloured for each winner.
Really fun designs. The coffee/tea machine-looking bit on the Doraemon-like toy really made me smile, and you can tell a lot of love goes into the whole package of each toy. I believe the pencil case release of Elly used a bit of cut flash as the pencil case zipper-pull
That's very cool. It would appear that both releases so far have had additional 'arms' or 'gloves' accessories then can be slided onto the characters. Seeing as Yoiko looks to be a RxH fan, perhaps this stems from an appreciation for Mori's interchangeable arms? It's a nice touch to spice up their toys either way.
Very interesting designs and wonderful textures going on here, thanks for bringing these new creatures to our attention. A bummer, now that I'm looking into them, that the price point out of the gate is in line with so many newer makers these days. Pr0n they shall be. Might as well bring a snap of the mentioned pencil case to the page: View this post on Instagram Click through to see the splayed-out contents.
Really into the dog cop (?) omake that came with Elly, wish I could just get one of those! The Elly itself is a little too much of a grotesque squeaky toy for me but the craft is certainly there.
I’d have to agree that the pricing is relatively high for the size of the sculpts. I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t get a set for that little doggo though. Fingers crossed for a rerelease in the future.
The paint as applied looks so restrained and graceful, especially on the Yankee. Most delicious... You just want to pop him in your mouth, even though you know that your tongue's just going to get a chunk bitten out of it as he easily wrestles apart your jaw and sprints away to live another day.
View this post on Instagram The cop dog is my favorite sculpt and the omake human on chain is just too fun. Got a blank as a gift would love too see it become a full size vinyl figure one day.
Posting up the second release of Super Yankee, just sold out. Will be interesting to see how that grub attachment looks in other photos, since even here the colours seem a bit different to the earlier shot @skaldavsatanssol posted above. Also, I've seen this sculpt a few times attached to Yoiko's name, but can't see anything about it on their Instagram. Anyone have details? (Photo from kaikaisofubi on Instagram)
Shark planet is by on Ig they had a couple blank releases with small painted details last year and haven’t done anything since. They are really great in hand .
This all leads me to a very important and totally relevant question: View this post on Instagram Who in the hell is the maker of this little RedKing?
I hit Yoiko up before making this thread regarding any additional info they might be able to provide but they didn’t respond so mileage may vary. Congratulations to the winners of the newest lotto! It’s a nice pink alright. I would also like to know this!
It was listed as Yoiko because in order to buy those comet and other secret toy. You got to win the lotto and look for the clue inside the toy packaging.
All I know is I DO NOT want whatever is growing around Elly's happy parts area. Otherwise these are fun. Dig the extra effort with the packaging and bonuses
Ah yes, a fellow SBer was kind enough to inform me that it's the Marmit parababy series. I'll need to get on that stat.
I was finally on the ball enough with entering a lotto and lucked out! "Odd Eyed Super Yankee" I could go on and on about how much I love the packaging alone and the thought that went into it. It clearly shows how creative and passionate this gentleman is for this hobby.. The design of this character is simple, yet has many intricate details, ie; stuffing and tears that have a genuine look and button eyes that are attached with a thread like plastic material. It has the feel of an old vintage stuffed animal or even a long forgotten squeaker toy! The header card is very unique and not like one I've seen before. First thing I noticed was that it was not stapled and instead had plastic clips holding it together.. Upon removal revealing the characters very own mini manga styled book! This guy oozes all of the things I find so aesthetically appealing in a good toy! Overjoyed with him.. View this post on Instagram Spoiler: Omake and Header card manga! View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram Spoiler: Back details View this post on Instagram View this post on Instagram