yja big battle - mutant head

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by alifeintoys, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Oct 17, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    I think these prices will crash.
  2. dr0ss

    dr0ss Toy Prince

    Nov 2, 2006
    Los Angeles
    yja big battle - mutant head
    I believe it was issue #13.
  3. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    Apr 9, 2006
    Bay Area
    yja big battle - mutant head
    i guess i should start investing in Real x Head. it will pay for my retirement
  4. glitchpop

    glitchpop Toy Prince

    Apr 13, 2007
    yja big battle - mutant head
    yep it was ish 13 ;) Great for overall history but it doesn't go into detail about the different companies or the different figs. It's more about Fink Shit.

    I should say I used the word fad but I didn't mean it in any derogatory way. I just meant that toys and toy companies may fall in and out of favour with collectors. Also, Lash, I totally agree, western vinyl was the gateway for me too :twisted:
  5. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    Oct 19, 2005
    San Francisco
    yja big battle - mutant head
    500-700 per figure? Yes, I do think these prices will fall, as there are very few pieces that can command that kind of money in any area of collecting.

    Do I think they will fall far? No. The early versions, especially RxH were made in such small quantities it is hard to ever consider that there might be less collectors than pieces. These will be the "early bird luke" and "vinyl cape jawas" of RxH.

    I think what is interesting is seeing the new influence of foreign collectors of RxH. My suspiscion is that these were bought by HK collectors new to the scene based on a few other rumors I have heard. Not sure tough.

    I think prices will even back out to 2-400 for some of the true vintage versions. Only time will tell.
  6. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    Nov 6, 2005
    Valley of the Sun
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Early bird luke! God that reminds me of when I bought the cantina set from Sears when I was a little kid! I still have the figures including my blue snaggle tooth!
  7. rednecktex7

    rednecktex7 Comment King

    Nov 22, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    You be old man efp3. :twisted:

    I am only turning 40 this year. :lol:

  8. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Its cool man. Me and you have had many discussions via PM and I believe we booth agree on a lot of subjects about the current status of kaiju.

    Its just that our conversations through the board look like we may not like each other much which isn't true at all.

    What I don't understand is that many collectors draw the line in the sand and go either way. Some vintage and some neo.

    And it always seems that the vintage collectors feel the new stuff is just a rip on older toys and a way to make quick buck off the backs of vintage toys. While collectors who only collect new kaiju think the vintage stuff is just used junk and cant determine why its worth so much.

    Personally I appreciate vintage kaiju while I collect the new stuff such as RxH.

    Speaking of RxH. One of the biggest reasons I LOVE them is that throughout my collecting Mori has made many homage colorways to vintage toys and shows. Its these colorways that helps me study their history and appreciate the vintage toys that much more. It helps connect the dots from vintage to neo for me.

    Also like I said I feel the new companies such as Secret Base , RxH Gargamel have deep roots in vintage toys as that was what they grew up on and was the inspiration for their own toys which carry on tradition. As well as many other reasons ( the fink shit article ) and also creating original characters.

    Its this and other reasons that I feel the new wave of companies will have a great historical significance in the future to come.

    Only time will tell.

    But like I said this is it for me.

    No other toys I have ever bought made me have this sense of satisfaction. No other single company has grabbed me so much that I was inspired to sell EVERY other toy I own to collect only 1 company. No other company has inspired me to create fan art, fan customs and a blog. That should say my feelings and what my future looks like. To me I'm very content and happy to collect only them. Yes I will add odd pieces here and there but manly for me its gonna be RxH unless something drastic happens.
  9. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Oct 17, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Lash, you have a blog?
  10. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Dude its no secret that you don't like me. But why is it that you must with every chance you can get look to make some sort of comment on anything I write ?

    I would like this to be a pretty decent conversation and not turn into a locked thread like just about all our replies to each other end up.
  11. rednecktex7

    rednecktex7 Comment King

    Nov 22, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Lash's blog is one of the best true fan sites of RxH I have seen. He keeps it updated pretty regularly.

  12. Bonejigg

    Bonejigg Toy Prince

    Dec 30, 2006
    Metaire, LA
    yja big battle - mutant head
    And also has some of the best photos to boot!!!
  13. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    Nov 6, 2005
    Valley of the Sun
    yja big battle - mutant head
    The blog looked pretty cool to me! Yeah, I'm gettin' old! ;)
  14. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Hey all, here is a great PM I received in a discussion where I asked what is it with vintage collectors that makes them usually feel that the new kaiju such as RxH has no significance value. Or that its nothing more than a scheme to make money off of what vintage kaiju has achieved

    Here is the great response check it out :)

    "For most of the vintage collectors, especially with Japanese vinyl, it was a long road for all of them to get here. Most of these guys have been collecting for years and started before Super7 was even around, so they really had to hunt for their info. Their gateway drug was Shogun Warriors, Godaikins and Godzilla, not newer toys. Most of these guys went from collecting die-cast and jumbos and slowly evolved into a very niche part of Japanese toys -vinyl. Vinyl used to be considered the dog of all Japanese toys, with tin, die-cast and jumbo machinders much larger in prominence. Collecting vintage vinyl was a very solitary act. Only in the last 8 years or so, the paradigm has shifted over to vinyl in all it's crazy glory. Most of these guys have narrowed down from a larger vintage perspective to a narrow vintage vinyl perspective. To them, this new stuff is exactly that, a completely foreign new style of toy that they know very little about. The old stuff is very literal, based off of tv shows and movies, while the new stuff exists as a new style, and the stories a little harder to find. (It just takes a little more research, rather than "..oh, it is from show X".) Additionally, japanese vinyl is such a large field, that you have no choice but to be specific about what you collect. All this "new" stuff opens up a whole new can of worms. I think in time, as some of the vintage heads get used to seeing the newer stuff, you will see some of them pick up a few. Some already do, but in moderation, as hey have a primary focus already. Characters like Damnedron, Hedoran and Mutant Chaos have been very well received by the vintage collectors, as they feel very similar to vintage characters. Toys like the Skull Brain and Obake are a little more "cute" and harder for them to grasp. It feels like only half of what they collect, because it is exactly that -half. Half inspired, half new creation courtesy of these new companies. That new element throws them a bit. In time, even these figures will be vintage (as you have pointed out) and you will see a continuous evolution of the design aesthetic. It is no different that if you collect vintage Goranger and Sentai shows, but you can still not like Power Rangers, which is the evolution of the same show. Or you can like the original Kamen Rider series, yet not enjoy the current version. I know I feel that way about Kamen Rider. (Amazon, V3, Stronger, KR1+2 are amazing, but the new stuff is techno garbage.) Everything changes and evolves with time, it just depends on which time period appeals to you."

    What a great responce !!!
  15. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Feb 18, 2007
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Big thanks dr0ss! I'll be at the store tomorrow and will pick it up.
  16. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Dec 14, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    I can agree with most of that. I think that's precisely why I love the Charactics stuff, and alot of Gargamel stuff (Smoking Corps, Thrashman, DenAce), but am not really into Secret Base or RxH. I see the inspiration for RxH and Secret Base, but it's far less literal.
  17. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    yja big battle - mutant head
    What I connect with RxH a lot is, is I'm 26, I grew up with a minmal amount of Kaiju in my life, as a kid it was all He-Man and stuff. I knew Godzilla, Gamera, Jet Jaguar and a few others, but it wasn't so prominent (to my generation as a whole I feel too) as a lot of the goofier cartoons, especially in the mid-west. So to me, RxH puts out this mix of older characters, but not so directly. It's something new, yet a little familiar, but not so much to not be considered original. There's a little bit of the older kaiju, but not too much to totally alienate me, and there's a little bit of some 80's stuff in them, and even some 90's with the DBZ which is from a generation younger than me. It's this great almagalm of dif. generations all mixing into something new. Did that make any sense?

    Whatever, who cares, they rock, they're fun and they look fasntastic. In the end, they're just THE most fun to me. Especially now that we're getting little stories. That just takes it to another level.
  18. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Dec 14, 2005
    yja big battle - mutant head
    That's a good point. I hadn't thought about the whole He-Man thing. I can see a definite parallel between those lines. As long as they don't release a pine-scented Mutant Head...
  19. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Flocked and pine scented. It's the excitement of something new, with the warmth of nostalgia, that sums it up better and less wordsy I guess.

    He-Man always re-used sculpts too, like RxH for bodies and heads. I saw a connection right away.
  20. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Damn dude I feel the same exact way 100% and couldn't have worded it any better !
  21. glitchpop

    glitchpop Toy Prince

    Apr 13, 2007
    yja big battle - mutant head
    yep +1 ;)

    And not just he-man but the Alex Toth Hanna Barberra cartoons like Herculoids etc...
  22. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Jul 1, 2006
    yja big battle - mutant head
    hahahaha....Herculoids were the best!! that's bringing back some memories. There was that one dinosaur that shot those balls from it's front horn that reminds me of a Bako...

  23. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    yja big battle - mutant head
    Bigaro totally makes me think of Ram Man. But that's what's so cool, not just MOTU are seen in these. They have so many different influences.

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