...very entertaining (if ur not wanting to win) bidding war just ended on yja for the 2 mutant heads first seen on lash's blog. not too much into this fig but the paintjob is massive - too bad they didnt go together. ...curious - whats the story behind these?
I bid on the yellow eyed one earlier in the week but was quickly outbid by plover. Seems we booth didn't get it as the yellow eyed one ended at .... 79,000 yen !!!! INSANE !!! yellow eyed = 79,000 yen Pink eyed = 65,000 yen black = around 56,000 yen I believe Yes they are great earlier figs but god damn those prices are just ridiculous.
The protoypes looked nice as a group but I thought they were way overpriced for unpainted pieces. The hobby was nice while it lasted. The Mook is probably going to drive a nail into the coffin.
seems to me like it is time to be happy for what older rXh you have...and not count on scoring older ones unless you are prepared to go big stylee with the wallet or some killer trade happens...... and to focus on keeping up with the better current releases....
these prices are stupid. I paid about $150 less than a year ago for both and nobody bid against me. Is anyone wants my set for $1300 let me know.
Man I got into the RxH game too late. I feel like a fool, but I'll just be grateful for the releases I can get now. S7 seems to be getting these in a little bit steadier and that's something to have hope in.
I havn't been collecting Kaiju for long. Just curious. Once prices hit a certain point are they likely to stay there or rise higher? Or do you think there is kinda a fad thing going on..? So RxH might fall out of favour in a while, while another company gets a boost, and the prices drop a bit?
I have no idea what I'm talking about, but to answer your question: totally. It seems to depend on what's buzzing at the time in certain circles. The way things go, I think the stuff is just going to be worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it--which obviously varies. Sometimes it can be fun to make a quick buck, but there comes a point where it gets kind of silly. I'm not trying to exclude myself from the silliness, either. I've paid laughable amounts of cash for glorified bath toys, but I've come to terms with how this scene is going to work for the time being; or "I've lost my fuckin' mind, too" for short. I never tell my friends or gf what I've paid for this stuff; they'd probably laugh their asses off. To someone who doesn't give a F who Gargamel is, or never knew in the first place, this hobby just looks stupid when you start talking about money. I digressed a bit-load. Sorry. But yeah, I think stuff just kind of levels off. When it's hot again, shit happens. I don't know.
If your trying to compare kaiju to western toys in the after market its impossible. Its like apples and oranges. As for RxH, like all other toys prices will rise and drop but NEVER drop off and go worthless in my eyes. A lot of kaiju including RxH is not just a "fad" toy. Many eastern toy companies have history and significance to a larger scheme of things in the toys they make. Not just a random toy that is made to make money like barbie or the d-unny. S7 did an amazing article on the history of the fight figure. If your interested in fight figures this is a MUST read and everyone who starts collecting SB gargamel RxH etc... should be forced to read These toys we collect are not just a fad for many of us. Personally I found what my hearts been searching for in my toy wants and I can see this going on for many years to come. Yes new toys will come and go but for kaiju collectors this is a lifestyle and collecting is like breathing air. A must and not just a necessity.
Lash... didn't you feel this way about you kaws toys last year? where are they now? not trying to bash you... but i think comparing kaiju to western toys is more like comparing oranges and grapefruit.
But if you collected Kaws then moved on to BxH then moved on to Secret Base and then RxH, whos to say that there isn't some other obsession waiting over the horizon? or some new toy company that will emerge that will shelve your interest in RxH? What history or significance does RxH have in your eyes? From my perspective, its a toy brand thats emerged in the last couple years. Not alot of history. Vintage pieces tend to have history or are tied to television shows, films and/or collectors childhoods. RxH and Secret Base don't seem to share that except to be modern takes on fight figures. Just asking...
I collected KAWS but never felt this way about them. Maybe at the time I thought so but when I had the real deal in hand it was a whole other feeling to me. So yes I collected KAWS but had no where near as much love for them as much as I do RxH. Western toys where my gateway drug simple as that.
This is my personal feelings and my evolution on collecting. To have to explain my total history in collecting and how I ended up where I am now and my feeling on future collecting is going a bit to far. If your that concerned and feel you want to discuss my total toy collecting history PM me. My post was "MY" feelings. Feel free to write your "own" I'm sure you read the article on fink shit in S7. They have a history and like vintage vinyl it had to start somewhere. But to say thy are meaningless because they where started a few years ago is ridiculas. In time these will be vintage and have a larger history. I can go on but I'm sure you can see where I'm going. Nit pick all you want but that was "my" take. Feel free to post you own feelings instead of nit picking mine.
If it's not too much to ask, which issue of S7 magazine detailed the history of the fight figures? I'd love to brush up on that!
Not nitpicking or singling you out. Also not saying RxH is meaningless. Just trying to understand different points of view and you were cool enough to state yours. Also not saying either of us is right or wrong. Probably should have asked offline.