Yamakichi has been creating their own line of sofubi on top of selling other company toys. https://www.yamakichiya.com/ This is their newest release sculpted by Masami Yamada. https://www.yamakichiya.com/SHOP/YS...AATsNLeDZWa807p49nJG5dMFkfAU1VkhbGM2U8DY93h2k
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this. I hadn't heard of them before by name as a maker, only having awareness of them as toy distributors of several of the other figures they've released in the past (which have been great as well); cool to see them entering their own space with a line. This new guy is pretty cool. Somehow the body sculpt is hitting something very familiar to me, but I just can't quite place it. Looks like they put in lots of attention to detail though, and executed (from the pic at any rate) in decent quality.
I like almost everything about this toy except the head/skull. I don't like the size of it and the transition from the body. I also don't like the sleeves at the cuffs. I would prefer them to be leather all the way through. It sort of reminds me of the various robot sleeves until you look at them from another angle. In the end however, I do like this toy and if I were still collecting I would pull the trigger for sure. @ultrakaiju I think the body style is very reminiscent to most of the classic human/humanoid body styles. It's well proportioned (until you get to the head, as mentioned above). It also reminds me of all those Ape/Man anthropomorphic figures
Agree the head and the neck joint is off. It’s like the joint is supposed to act as the shirt collar, but then it’s like the traps continue to bulge and there’s no neck. This is one of those newer Japanese brands that just seem a little stiff and lifeless, and I can’t tell exactly why. The sculpt and execution is nice enough and the paint is clean but at the end everything just seems a little too machined and formulaic. But I guess that is better than overly crude and sloppy.
Neck joint is janky . . . but sometimes a little jankiness adds charm. Is this guy based on/paying hommage to/ripping off an old movie character?
Past releases they have interchangeable gorilla head and skull head with a different body suit with space helmet.
At first glance, elements of it reminded me of Denboku’s Ghost Captain, but the sculpt is actually very different.
The front view makes the skull look very much like an ape skull to me. I dig the idea, but as everyone else has said, the neck joint is a little too wacky for me.
For those hungry for a MaBa Toho set, or just a few--they will be on sale again at TreFes Online 2, in about 10 days. Check Yamakichi's instagram for details. I know talking drops is generally verboten now, but it seems very few of those toys made it west and seeing Mandarake charging 2x per toy, I hope this helps someone.
Happy to say I was able to pick up a set for myself. The website was overloaded as soon as the event started. I had to refresh each product page 10-15 times before they would load successfully and issue just as many requests to add an item to my cart. Went through the checkout process 3-4 times before I was able to complete my purchases. The nice thing was that if you were able to get an item in your cart it would be reserved for 45-60 min. depending on the item/vendor's settings. All of the De-Sa (Ma-Ba) figures are still in stock. I noticed these say "up to 1 per payment" on their purchase restrictions, whereas other products say "up to 1 per person." If that means I am eligible to purchase more I'd be happy to help anyone who wants them but I would need to confirm if it's OK. I'm attempting to get in touch with them on Instagram.