Mitchell's Mexican Chocolate... or Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz... or Cherry Garcia... or Chocolate Fudge Brownie...
Green Tea or coffee Visiting a friend in Canberra, we had Homer Hudson Chocolate Rock - the most chocolaty ice cream ever.
Good to see all the Butter Pecan fans - I thought I was just a freak. My second fave from childhood was mint, but nowadays that's a bit much (though the occasional scoop of peppermint-stick is still great).
Pistachio nut, mint choc & chip. Old School throw back: Bubble gum Icecream in a Dodgers helmet from 31 flavors.
Oh yeah. Kopp's is the latte to supermarket ice cream's instant coffee. Plus they have some really intense flavors. Cool that you know about that - are you originally from Milwaukee?
Born and bred....well, bred at least. Moved out to Seattle a year and a half ago. Miss lots of stuff about it, except the weather. Bummed about not being able to do quick trips to Chi-town anymore, too.