Lucky find at goodwill today just fits my Bwana fingies, little chonkers, and peanuts. Might be able to squeeze in one or two more.
Reorganized all my shelves the other day: Case 1: Case 2: Didn't manage to get a picture before the Ultramen domino'd, but the museum putty is there to fix that at some point. Bottom shelf of case 2 is the curated "to go" shelf. Although, Sofubi Man will join the blanks once I clear it out.
As a few of you know, I have been saying "I really need to get a display case so I can see my collection which is sitting in boxes in a closet" for around 15 years now (I am very slow). Well, not only did I finally order an ikea milsbo cabinet that I'd been eyeing for a long time, but I actually put it together AND filled it with most all of my collection! Please pardon my less than stellar photography skills and indulge me by checking out my collection. I am extremely happy with how it turned out and to finally see my collection all together on display instead of digging through boxes from time to time to see some toys. Forgive me if you also see these pics in other 'show your collection' threads as I want to show my collection off in the threads for the various makers. First and foremost, I need to show my butanohana collection for Chris, as I know he'd have appreciated seeing it.
Nice assortment of toys... different makers and styles, but it meshes together well. Love those metal and glass Ikea cabinets as well.
Thank you all! Yeah, other than a few themes and some makers that I adore, I'm pretty random with what I like. I love seeing other people's collections that are very ordered, and I think that looks great, but for my own collection, I enjoy a bit of chaos.
@paulk so clean and classy! Love the mix of vintage and neo toys, many envy worthy morsels on those shelves!!!! I'm eyeing that delicious Bwana little pink bat . And a very nice Buta herd. too! Congrats on unboxing and uncocooning the toys
Inspired by @paulk just a reminder to stop and look at your toys, closely, for an instant smile for the day ................................... Shark sez: "don't bite my tail"! Pardon the towel, this an old bookcase that was painted, and I need to find a suitable piece of base cloth to prevent paint from sticking to the feet. p.s. pardon the NSFS (not safe for sofubi) toys
@paulk great shots, and I’m glad you were able to get them out of boxes and on display! You’ve got some choice figures! Seeing the displays in this thread makes me want to reorganize and change up my personal displays… but then I realize that it’s more of an undertaking than you’d think. But maybe I’ll give it a go.
Where I am Ikea has the Milsbo $60 off right now. I was planning on waiting until after Christmas to get one, but my 20 year old poäng chair broke when I sat down last night, so I needed a new frame, and picked up a new display case too.
Wow that's a serious deal, I may have to order a second one if that's going on; They are hands down my favorite case. If you're on the fence at all you should jump on this one guys.. I actually like the smaller ones too...
I recently got my Moducases delivered and installed. If you aren't in a rush they are a great display with proper risers. I ordered some additional custom cases I liked them so much. Now I just need to wait a year
Don’t generally go nuts sharing collection stuff, but I managed to get most of my dudes standing in some semblance of ‘order’ for the first time ever, so here it is!