Perhaps we should create a "Skullbrain Bat Cave" account, on Flickr, Instagram, or FB (it's a shame that the Gravy Playground is closed ) ? A backup location during outages, so we can check-in, misbehave, and assuage our withdrawal symptoms?
^^^That's exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that, and yes, the old Batman TV show theme music was running (IS RUNNING) through my brainz! p.s. @TiredChildren so what exactly happened to Gotham City last night???
^^Yeppers! I figure he is pretty busy these days. Still it would be nice to have an unofficial emergency shelter?
Sorry everyone, board was down due to an error with the server. In the future, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or email if you see the board down.
. . . . or just go outside and enjoy the fresh air before it gets taxed to pay for the colonization of Mars under the 'Alternative Earth' Executive Order!
Well that was a long one. Apologies folks, my post in the BST with 7$ Nags and Hirota simians at two-for-one must've caused some kind of difficulty with the messaging system, and SB 'members' suddenly coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches.
I've got to stop playing with this thing. I keep being a bit too rough with my toys, so they're showing their age, but what can I say? I really enjoy them.
That's actually an interesting point. I don't know what/if there is a maximum, but doubt we would/could ever be close to reaching it in any case - certainly not yesterday, unless there are bots flooding the system, which, who knows - but it does make me miss the old 'Most users ever online' from Skullbrain 1.o.