Vintage Mail Day

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by Lixx, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. AWMGodzilla62

    AWMGodzilla62 Fresh Meat

  2. tobor2099

    tobor2099 Toy Prince

    Such a great collection! Congrats! ;)
  3. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    Nice Megalon dude ! and some nice bullmarks in that shelf
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    That is a such a beautiful Bullmark and Popy shelf. Congrats on the Megalon. He has earned an honoured place centre front.
  5. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    That Megalon IS totally killer! An excellent score, no doubt...that'd make *anyone's* year. ;)

    And I love how the lighting is setup to make it look like there's a spotlight on him!

    And is that a Marusan gold-eye Mothra off to the left? That's arguably more rare than the Megalon (though demand is a lot less)...
  6. AWMGodzilla62

    AWMGodzilla62 Fresh Meat

    Thank you guys!

    I didn't intentional set him up that way, but I do love that he does seem to have a glow about him! I think the light gray base vinyl helps in addition to just oddly perfecting lighting in the case.

    Yes, that is the Marusan gold eye Mothra. I found her along with Varan and Small scale Mecha Godzilla at G-Fest 19 last year. Here's a better pic of her from the hotel room:

    It's interesting now that you mention it that I have seen less of Marusan Mothra than Megalons. Only seen her twice. One was an eBay auction that I didn't win, and the other was the one I got. While I have seen more Megalons, one thing I will say about him though is that on many occasions that the red is severely faded. Finding one with good red spray is a bit of a challenge. I'd also love to find the pink Marusan Mothra! Gold eyes is older, but the pink version is certainly more eye catching!
  7. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    I can see you and I are gonna get along swimmingly. ;)

    Man, that so fucking cool that you scored such an amazingly rare toy at G-Fest! Weirdly enough, I've never been...despite being a bat-shit-crazy fan! My buddies and I talk about going every year, but we never seem to make it happen. Anyway, dare I ask how much you scored that lot for??? Feel free to PM if you don't wanna broadcast that shit publicly. 8)

    Yeah, the two Marusan Mothra's just don't show up nearly as much as the Hawaiian Megalon. I was lucky enough to score the pink, silver-eyed one for a pretty damn good deal just this past December. The gold eye is the original, and thus more sought after, but I really love that pink!


    Anyway, you're totally right about the red paint on the Hawaiian Megalon. I've seen a couple specimens show up in the past few years that looked so sad...barely a hint of red. I don't know if it's exposure to sunlight (UV) or if the paint is somehow oxidizing. But either way, yours is gorgeous! Just keep him away from windows. ;)
  8. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Ive seen tons of photots of this one over the years. In hand though, absolutely blew me away. Probably the best toy Bullmark ever made. Now to find an extra hand and three little missiles :)


  9. Geekabilly

    Geekabilly Addicted

    Great photos as always! I will keep an eye open for the parts you need.
  10. AWMGodzilla62

    AWMGodzilla62 Fresh Meat

    The large missile firing Mecha Godzilla is a beautiful piece! :) I hope to acquire one some day!
  11. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Excellent purchase. I almost went for him too, even without the hand he is a fantastic figure - alas, couldn't get the funds together. So glad he went to a perfect home though. If I ever see an accessory fist for you, I will definitely have my feelers out. :)
  12. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Great pick up Jonathan! Beautiful toy. Welcome to the 'missing vintage toy parts' club :lol:
  13. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Thanks guys. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the winning bid. I was ready Im blame people being away at G-fest. Im even thinking about trying to mold a replacement somehow (paging Sanjeev haha).
  14. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage


    Not mailed, but I found this standard Doku Utsubo at a collectible show this weekend. Just chilling on a shelf with some random GI Joe and sci-fi toys. Weird.
  15. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Daniel that's incredible you found that eel villain at a collectible show. I'm not one to seek these or flea markets out because they never turn up anything, but its always been a dream to find some rare vintage toy cheap at one!
  16. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Talk about an unusual find! That is definitely a great story and something that makes all the hunting worthwhile. I always have these dreams of turning up a gem like that at a flea market or garage sale. So I have to ask, did the seller have any idea what it was, and what kind of incredible bargain did you get on him.
  17. Mark K

    Mark K Addicted

    ^^^So many nice scores!
    Recently acquired the giant gorilla to complete my 1 Million Years B.C. set. Been hunting this one for a long time.

  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Congratulations Mark. I know a few people are after that lovely Gorilla. He really remains one of the top Marusan sculpts, and that colour, stunning. Excellent set! :D I think I might have to unofficially crown you the vinyl dino king (not like you weren't already!).
  19. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    The seller didn't seem that interested in the figure. I even told him that I thought it was from an old show- couldn't remember if it was Ninja Arashi or Lion Maru at the time. He said that he also used to have a similar figure "like Kamen Rider" with a removable mask, so he might have had Ninja Arashi at one point.
  20. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Gorgeous not-King Kong, Mark! He looks pretty much flawless.
  21. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    very happy to score this one . . . big thanks to Steve for the heads-up and translation help :D

    he was covered in paint scrapes but cleaned-up really nice!

    スカルスター by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
  22. paulk

    paulk Addicted

    Congrats Mark! Beautiful example of the Marusan Giant Gorilla. Looks fantastic.

    And nice one Moog. I'm not big on Tiger Mask villains in general, personally, but Skull Star has always been the exception for me. Such a nice sculpt.
  23. Kingboy D

    Kingboy D Comment King

    Nice. I'd been on the hunt for a decent Skullstar for a long time now. Didn't want to spend too much. Finally settled for a reissue since I manage to score it for such a low price. Couldn't resist.

    This is vintage and new, though:


  24. KaijuHoarder

    KaijuHoarder Toy Prince

    where did you get the megalon from?

  25. michael

    michael Side Dealer


    some recent minis

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