I remember when I was studying my fine art course one of the final year students final project was getting his girlfriend taking pictures of himself in a closet masturbating. His work was later taken off the exhibition... Just saying who's to really judge and do people have the right to censorship? You can comment on one's work, but stopping them from free expression is another.
I pretty much agree with xono, just trying the 'picture is worth a thousand words' angle instead. I can see that 'successful' vs. 'unsuccessful' art may be more useful than Good vs. Bad, but ... Some things are just Good - And some are just Bad - http://www.museumofbadart.org/
Oh ouch. OK here goes. He was VERY good at what he did. His original illustrations for Playboy were stylish and eye-catching ... sexy, charming, and sooooo cleanly executed. He could convey miles of expression with a few simple lines. That's unquestionably a sign of artistic talent. In their time and place, his illustrations were innovative and of-the-moment. It should have ended there: He was an illustrator. That's why the commercial application of his work (e.g. the cover of Duran Duran's "Rio") was successful, whereas ... those gawdawful endless framed posters of his work, especially the uber-tacky ones that included a strip of neon, were just hideous. They didn't work very well as decorative art, and their ubiquitousness during the mid-80s made them repellent for we urban dwellers who were subjected to them at every unsolicited turn. The familiarity bred contempt because the context was all wrong. They were illustrations, not fine art. How's that?
I had to go look him up hehe If I'm looking at the correct thing...I dunno...neutral? damn xoco, I need to take you with me to museums and whatnot for some explanations
Isn't that a loaded question? had to look the guy up again, hmm~ interesting, gonna need more time to dwell on this one
I think this figure is pretty cool in some ways, and just like most everything else UNKL has put out, not so cool in other ways. Parts of it really appeal to whatever part of my brain registers "aesthetically pleasing", and parts don't. I won't be buying it, but it has nothing to do with the price. I find it humorous that people are gawfing at the price tag when other, smaller, uglier pieces go for that and more. I'm new here, so I don't really expect my opinions to mean anything to anyone, but I do put a lot of thought, time, money, and yes, emotion into my collection and artwork. I lost interest in most western vinyl, which is where I got my start, a while back and am now just beginning to get into kaiju. And no, KR is not a hangout place for me, either. But honestly, most of it I just don't understand. The way many of you feel about this UNKL piece is the same way I feel about most kaiju. Uninspired? I could say that about many eastern pieces. Overpriced? Again, laughable compared to what happens in this market. Retreaded? Please, don't get me started. As someone who equally enjoys both the smooth, perhaps more shape-based sculpts of western vinyl, and the drippy, more chaotic (I won't say "more hand sculpted feel" because that's a subject for another time) forms of the east, I still struggle with this idea of supremecy and/or purists who can't enjoy both for what they are.