not sure why they need to make this when the original toys are already aplenty and top notch quality and paint.
well top quality original painting and plentifulness hasn't really stopped anyone from releasing updated versions even in kaiju etc so I'm not sure its fair to say that to them
What that means is that it is something I would pay $30 for, but I wouldn't pay $150 for. Is that clearer or would you like further explanation?
Uh no dad. your post invited that response cause it sounded unreasonable in a way that the toy is obviously big, has many features, good paint app etc. The toy wouldn't even wholesale for that much. Why not just say what you mean in the first place.
that unkl guy looks like a space stupunny with no ears..... with a dash of weak sauce.... just one man's opinion. I agree there is a lot of crappy stuff being made in Japan too.....we just aren't subjected to it....
Unkl is just cylinders and spheres for the most part. It's like playing with blocks. Nothing groundbreaking or exciting - take four cylinders and group them 2x2, put half-spheres on the bottom of each cylinder, put a cube on top, add a sphere, finish it off with a cone - presto, you got a clown-po. edit: Bolded text as reply to sumatra's post below. I'm aware of that figure and think it's lame too - despite the departure from their standard building-block routine. It's cool if you like it - I'm just stating the reasons I don't like their stuff.
We aren't subjected to it? I think it depends on who you ask. 'Crappy' is in the eye of the beholder. Quite frankly, I don't think much of fight figures. I can appreciate the design of a small minority of them, although I still don't care much for them, but there are some companies whose entire output I would be inclined to call 'crappy'. As for this particular toy, I think it looks like a clever play on the original design. I won't be getting one, but I think it's pretty neat. Just one man's opinion.
I said we aren't subjected to it in that they are hardly being offered up for sale here...meaning western vinyl. I totally agree, crappy is in the eye of the beholder, that is why I stated it was just one man's opinion....and I agree that there are some companies whose entire output could be described as crappy, in some peoples opinion.. That sucks that you really don't care for fight figures....did you know that this website was started based on some peoples love for fight figures? And all other things discussed here grew from this? So, in conclusion let me say its great that you think this toy is a clever design and its great that I think that it is not fresh....At least we can agree that we both won't be getting one...
This is bizarre... first the return on Mean Pogue and the sudden appearance of Tolerant Cesar... It's getting weirder and weirder around here these days, between RxH Rage and Japanese Vinyl Youth Crew and the sudden Face and Heel turns. I wonder if there's going to be online Rioting during SDCC. Btw weclome Tolerant Cesar, and you too Mean Pogue its good to have you here/back!
Howabout the debut of the new intolerant Muton? Debutting with: "This thing SUCKs big time?" without even a handy IMHO or even IMO added?