Strawberry marshmallows w/ strawberry jelly inside! Pics here: ... 906324401/
Unlucky? I think those vinyl junkies are an awesome sculpt and one of the most underrated toys out there. I think Cosmo Liquid killed that sculpt, I actually have the yellow one and keep it on my desk, it scares people.
Thank you, Dean, for the trade. Dave had 2 chocolate donuts, and we all had some good talk. Good seeing everyone there. Thank you, again, Super 7 for hosting this! Did anyone make it over to the Kimono Your House party at 2pm???
Woof....didn't make it to S7 on Saturday, but KMH was crazy. Tons of folks to send Yuki out right. Got to talk to some great Skullbrainers TBDXers, Collection DXers, and oldhead toy farts. Good times.
Thank you to the kind soul that traded me this Koji Smogon. Thank you to S7 for hosting the event and providing the grab bags, coffee and donuts. Thanks dean for the spicy cupcakes too!!
There were about 3-5 Koji customs for trade...I got a full sized standing Hedo with neon green and orange spray. from Joe's flickr: