Stuart Gordon, cult classic horror director

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    RIP to one of the greats. If you were a movie fan in the 1980s, you know very well the experience of wandering down aisles of movies, most of which you had probably never heard of outside of seeing them on a dusty shelf, looking for that one gem to allow you to escape for an hour and half (or so). And, depending on your age, one of the thrills of this period might have been glancing through to the 'horror' section, filled with all sort of unimaginable nightmares, video nasties, and frightening futures to twist and turn the imagination. While Stuart Gordon may not be a household name, there is no doubt he he is held in great esteem among the horror fan community, and filled a good number of key slots on those shelves of VHS tapes which so eagerly caught a lot of our eyes.

    The reason I bring this up is, in those days, you were just as often (or more) likely to pick up a random film based on the cover art, name, or some other divine intervention that lead something to leap out at you. And it is just this strange set of happenstance which allowed you to discover real gems of cinema. Unknown masterpieces of celluloid to engross and entertain, and which ultimately left a strong mark on you after viewing them. Some of these have since achieved 'cult' status. Stuart Gordon was the architect of these greats, and had this same effect on me. Discovering From Beyond, with all its Lovecraftian horror-beauty, and the amazing Jeffrey Coombs was one of those. Mr. Gordon's oeuvre also includes the incredible Re-Animator, Dolls, Fortress, and Robot Jox. He was also responsible for co-creating the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids franchise, which many might not expect. Sad to hear of his passing at the age of 72. I think it is time for a tribute movie marathon.

    toothaction likes this.
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  3. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Ha, did not know about this David. Thanks. Special thumbs up for an appearance by the beloved Joe Flaherty.
  4. deafmetal

    deafmetal Comment King

    One of my fondest memories of Stuart Gordon was attending a screening of Dagon many years ago at the local H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival. Mr. Gordon introduced the film, and then led the audience with an epic rendition of the Cthulhu chant. After the film, he took some Q&A and then left us with a surprise promo video of Re-Animator: The Musical before it had hit the stage in LA. Good times.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Gordon.
    bunnyboy and ultrakaiju like this.

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