#RoundMoundOfPound Street Sharks was a GREAT animated series. I’d still watch that shit today if I knew it was playin’ on some service. The toys themselves were amazing. I loved the heft and weight of each figure, and the mixed medium of rubber and plastic. Really lent to that shark skin feel. The opening jaws were such an jawesome gimmick, too. And that tagline alone, “JAWESOME!!!” was one of the coolest phrases invented. Though I will say I only enjoyed the original quartet of releases. The ones that came after, with all the accessories and versions and such, just weren’t as fun for some reason.
I'm not sure how we ended up with a Street Sharks thread but I do love me some Street Sharks. Such fun chunky toys!!! I still have a couple I will have to dig them out and give them a spot on the shelves.
https://robotxmonster.blogspot.com/2014/08/shamrock-arrow-fang.html Unfortunately, we never got a second figure in the line.
This YouTube channel got them all. Here is the link to the first episode. I loved those guys too! Fun to see Vin Diesel playing with them.
@akum6n Oh, wow! Those are awesome! Can’t say I’d indulge, as they’re a bit small for my collecting taste, but super well done!!! Thank you for bringin’ those to attention in an oddly proper thread, Daniel! @nico000 Dude, yes!!! Thanks for the link! I’ll have some fun with nostalgia tonight!
The Mattel Creations release this year were fun, not the known characters, but still fun to see something so niche get a resurrection almost 30 years later.
I have a few nice examples of the vintage ones. They're tricky to collect because they're often in really bad condition when I find them. I think the weight of them means they become badly scratched quite easily. Its a fun toy line for sure.
Honestly, Street Sharks never occupied any real estate in my head before I came across that Vin Diesel video on Twitter. However, since then I checked out the toys and they are pretty cool. Definitely one of the more creative lines that was trying to capitalize on TMNT. I came across these concept figures on Amazon, which are listed as "sofubi": https://www.amazon.com/Street-Sharks-Concepts-Clammando-Sofubi/dp/B09H3R2XV5/ https://www.amazon.com/Street-Sharks-Concepts-Ripster-Sofubi/dp/B09GX8P3KK/ I guess these are the ones @hanxhill referred to. I love "Clambo." Pricey, but if they did this with the unproduced Alien and Predator figures I probably wouldn't balk at $160 a pop.
Loved these! Another thing I need to forget I want to collect all of it. These and exosquad were always unattainable
These were some of my favorites growing up. a lot of slightly used ones on ebay for good prices. Might need to grab a couple for nostalgic purposes.
This scratches such a nostalgic itch for me, but I know i'd only be annoyed by how much packaging they used and end up throwing these in a box.