SB dreams...

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Nostromo, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    Feb 17, 2006
    Houston, Texas
    SB dreams...
    I thought the crowd here might be interested in this. If not, I apologize in advance. But I do have some relevant questions at the end, so I ask your indulgence, please.

    Last weekend I fell very ill, and had a rather vivid and cinematic dream that was perhaps fueled by equal parts fever, my own twisted imagination, and the fact that I keep my SB figures on a shelf near my bed.

    In the dream, which unfolded much like a movie, cities around the world were under attack from a huge army of the SB fighters. There were Skull Bees karate-chopping park benches in half, Skull Brains punching the crap out of cars, Ghost Fighters flinging pedestrians every which way, powered by what looked like kryptonite hearts, Skull Barbarians blasting various real estate with ray guns, Mantids wrecking stuff -- utter pandemonium! As police and military tried to retaliate, they found their efforts in vain -- bullets phased through the Ghost Fighters and Obakes, and some Skull Brains used very Matrix-esque telekinesis to stop any onslaught headed their way. In a very action movie moment, I remember a scientist and a Solid Snake-esque special agent discussing how they must find the, well, "Secret Base" in order to stop the monster attack at its source. I awoke before any true resolution could occur, but it was an impressive dream nonetheless, seeing approximately 6 foot versions of these toys wreck things.

    All this brings to mind a couple of questions:

    1) Is there a real back story for the SB characters? I've seen a tantalizing image of a Skull Brain in a ring with a shadow creature on the SB website, but my Japanese is still really basic, so I couldn't really read the text. I'm hoping someone here can fill me in or lead me to the answer.

    2) How cool would a Ghost Fighter with a GID heart be?

    3) Have SB figures ever had any accessories? Aside from the Balzac megaphone, I mean. It might be interesting for SB to make accessory packs someday... Thoughts?

    Anyway, that's my ramble for now.

  2. the_z

    the_z Side Dealer

    Jan 24, 2006
    a Ukranian village
    SB dreams...
    some sort of accessory pack would def be cool! I guess a lot of figures have boxing gloves on, so they couldn't hold much but who knows!
  3. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    Feb 17, 2006
    Houston, Texas
    SB dreams...
    You could have some type of clip-on items, yes?

    And maybe, dare I say, hats? ^_^
  4. zomboid

    zomboid Toy Prince

    Dec 19, 2005
    SB dreams...
    There's a "story" section at

    If I recall correctly - somebody translated them a while back. Try the SEARCH fuction.

    Quite an active imagination you have there.
  5. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Oct 21, 2005
    SB dreams...
    I think you can just throw it in the Bablefish translator can't you?
  6. vinylglowaddict

    vinylglowaddict Post Pimp

    Oct 17, 2005

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