Yea...that guy who got himself banned several years ago for being a homophobic cringelord? Me neither, barely, but long story short: I came across his profile (weeks or even months ago) on Instagram and accidentally followed him -- it was just a name I recognized. After coming to my senses and realizing who it was, I unfollowed him. I didn't like any of his posts, DM him, nothing -- zero interaction other than following and unfollowing. This morning, out of nowhere, I was treated to the convo seen below: Mods: Feel free to delete this or whatever, if you feel the need. I just felt like this was important to share with the class.
Instead of collecting toys, dude should be collecting therapy sessions. And I say that with sincerity. On the other hand, someone still crashing sentences with homophobic slurs should be humbled by being made to swallow their own teeth.
I really wish that I used IG/Twit/whatever just so I could follow/unfollow this guy every single day...
Love that idea. Following! Note how he self-censored the f-word. He must have gotten his account suspended before. As far as why this happened, you know that old saying, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?" Well it's the opposite on Skullbrain. Whatever happens on Skullbrain will follow all of us around for our entire lives and into the next world, forever and ever, whether it actually involved us or not.
I'm still not sure whether he thinks I'm a fascist or a fuckwit The guy comes here being a bully and a bore, and consistently uses the excuse that his behaviour is not his fault because he has a condition, and acts all hurt and put upon when people don't give him a blanket pass for his dickish comments ...
I've just realised the F-word he was calling me is probably a derogatory word we don't hear much in the UK ... over here its a meat-ball made with off-cuts and offal ...
Ahhh, thanks for clearing this up, i was really struggling to work it out, i was thinking fucktwat? fucktit? flangepit?, nope those can't be right.
So are we following en masse and then unfollowing? Lol SB drama is the lifeline for most of these toynerds. Me included probably ;P
And the shorter three-letter version is slang for a cigarette? But the six-letter isn't? I learned something new!
Almost as good as the trade baiter dude who started a second account, just so he could praise himself for his scores. Then used his 3rd account to call me a DB after I blocked him. Social media had aged so gracefully.
That conversation devolved pretty quickly… Definitely a “strange message.” If someone followed and unfollowed me I’d just assume it was an accident, or they realized they’re not interested in my content. I certainly wouldn’t hound that person. Followers come and go. I can’t remember what condition he had, but I will say that a bit of therapy and meds goes a long way. Trust me, I know.
Unfollowed. Now that you've said that he has some sort of genuine problem, I'm not doing anything else.