Oof. I paid a bit extra to have someone grab me a doragiras and a roguilla at dcon. Better safe than sorry I guess. Were there any asaka aliens left Roger? That was another I wish I grabbed.
I was fortunate enough to pick up a Classic Zimella as well while attending Designer Con, the details of the sculpt are amazing. Looking forward to see what Marusan has lined up for next year.
I would expect all of the BARUCOS items to be at the American events as well as being offered as international preorders.
Right before this year's DCon, Kaminaga-san expressed interest in doing a 450 size Tortos in 2025... if anyone else here is a fan of that sculpt, bring it up to him, let him know the people are interested!
Love that King Godras hat!! Question for anyone who has ever ordered any Bullmark stuff from Hakabano Garou. Do you have to use Zenmarket when ordering from the USA, or can you have them ship direct to you? I'm thinking about grabbing that MG2 repro they have coming out
I always use Zenmarket for Hakabanogarou and they just actually recently replaced their old worldmart shopping cart thing with zenmarket.
Bigbadtoystore.com just listed 'Showa Retro Color Ver.' releases of Antlar, Gomora, Red King, Baltan and Ultraman. Just search under 'Bullmark'. A little peculiar as they are listed as made by Plex/Bullmark, but the listings indicate that they are subject to a price increase due to the China tariffs. For $129, I am hoping these are made in Japan, not China. The Baltan is pretty nice as it uses the giant Bullmark toy colors on the standard figure.
This is interesting. BBTS usually gets items wholesale from HLJ. They did carry those Bandai/Plex Popy Godzilla reissues for about $50 more than you could get them from HLJ. I don't see any of these new reissues on HLJ yet. The BBTS price is too damn high, IMO. Curious to see what more we can learn about these.
Sofvi.Tokyo has coverage of the Red King and Baltan: https://sofvi.tokyo/250213_bullmark01/ https://sofvi.tokyo/250213_bullmark02/ Japanese price is 9,900, about $65, same as what Hakaba Gallery charges for the reissues they sell. If you want these, I recommend waiting until they pop up on HLJ. BBTS' markup is just too much.
Has HLJ offered Bullmark reissues in the past? I feel like I haven't seen any recently. Agree that BBTS's prices seem way high on these relative to Japanese retail. However, the Sofvi Tokyo page suggests that they are a Premium Bandai preorder, meaning you would either have to use a middleman to order from Japan, or hope that the U.S. Premium Bandai offers them. Those usually get marked up quite a bit at BBTS, which might explain the price difference. (That said, once you factor in shipping and middleman fees on the JP retail price, you get a lot closer to $129.)
HLJ hasn't offered anything by the modern Bullmark that I know of. They did sell a couple of B-Club reissues with Bullmark branding a while back, plus Marusan was wholesaling to them for a little while. I guess you can explain (maybe not excuse) the price if these are Premium Bandai products. BBTS does offer some Gundam kits that from that outlet, too. I tried looking for the Premium Bandai Japanese site but couldn't find one. Why does Bandai have to present such a complex labyrinth to their customers?
A few years back, they region locked Premium Bandai JP, such that we can't even get to the page in the U.S.