That Ollie omake is just too damn cute. Ollie is shrinking and Sam is growing. 5 years from now Bernie is gonna end up 80 feet tall and the flying freak can only be seen with an electron microscope I'm glad that this will be an open pre-order so everyone gets a chance to immediately have a pretty sizable MVH collection in one fell swoop. How often can you get a detolf shelf full of MVH with a single purchase?
All the lotto excitement has been confined to IG... figured the board should join in the fun as well. @Rich nailed this release with the solid array of possibilities (colorway & body combo-wise) as to what might be awaiting inside the blind bag. Was hoping for an -X body and couldn't be more pleased with my pull. Option to purchase the Unbox chibis was icing on the cake. Had been chasing them since Dcon and stoked to finally snag a set!
View this post on Instagram Rich knocked each one out of the park the metallic green on top of the black vinyl adds so much depth
That painted mask set is definitely a grail, especially since I think that's gonna be the only all masks painted set ever. Glad I got the Toxic Waste set since that had all masks. I would I could get something like a tiny coat rack to display them all
Hoping somebody here can give me some more info about Ol' Scratch. Was there ever a run of the figure released? Or just one-offs at shows? Is the figure dead or is there a possibility of it ever returning? This was my first choice at Taste of the Orient 2018 but it was long gone by the time my number got called. View this post on Instagram Guess I'm hoping to know if I need to adjust my expectations of ever getting my hands on one.
Rumor is @Rich still has some hidden away somewhere. As for Brandt, I don't know. There was an unpainted run of 10(?) on cream vinyl, and a few 1 offs but nothing else. It's an amazing sculpt, I'd love to see a painted release
David is right about the blank run of 10 and the one offs. The stash, it’s not a rumor. I’ve seent them. The buttercream from both sculpts are slightly off when talking body to the head. Will these ever surface again, unsure.
I should have posted images with my post. You can see the head is a bit lighter than the body as Mike mentioned.