Does anyone here know if the Grayscale reaction figures come carded on a black and white card as well or are they full color?
@MisterYuck I believe the cards are black and white as well, but they don't have the same artwork, I think it's just Castle Grayskull if I remember correctly?
B+W cards. I doubled checked against ebay.
I feel like these guys are underrepresented, but I love them. Just got in the two Speclatron colorways and realized I hadn't taken a picture of the older Beastman yet: View this post on Instagram Can't wait for Mer Man & Faker!
Ugh, I want that Speclatron Skeletor so bad! What a beauty of a toy. In other news -- Looks like cartoon versions are coming soon!
Speclatron Skeletor is the best release so far. I can't wait to see what everyone gets in the future.
These are must buys for me. I am enjoying this series a ton. I would lobe to see a thundercats villians set in the future.
If S7 does lucky bags, I'm wondering if unpainted speclatron versions sneak into 1 or 2 bags. That, or I'm guessing Josh has them in his collection.
I certainly have no idea what you're talking about....though if I did, I might suggest you keep your eyes peeled for Lucky Bag info very soon...
OK... I'll just come out and ask why we don't have a dedicated MOTUC thread seeing as Super7 are taking the reigns from Mattel with the action figures. Just wondered is all! I'm very excited for the Ultimate Editions coming out next week for pre-order. Blonde Teela! >wub<
Grabbed a last-minute (day?) set of the MOTU vinyls. I'm loving that we're doing villains. I'd love a Triklops next, but I'd assume Mer-Man is next to keep up the main 3 baddies.
i've resisted these even though they are linked to gargamel but I hope they do trapjaw. Always was a huge fan.
He's not on the back of the box, but I'd love to see Trapjaw made too. I love this series but need to start picking and choosing which I will buy.
The Beastman and Skeletor sofubis are awesome. I've jumped at the chance to get every color release. But. In my opinion the one that's gonna be the coolest. The character that's gonna be PERFECT as a sofubi is Orko. I hope he's in the works and I hope he gets 2 years of crazier and zanier color schemes; clear, GID, etc etc.. Fingers crossed for Orko sofubi
Passing on these last two "vintage" colorways was really hard & I'm regretting it, but times are tight. I think Merman is bound to be next, and I'd love him to pop up soon, but yeah Trapjaw, Triclops & Orko would all be amazing in this format. I can't justify buying the Classics or the Retro figures, but these are so up my alley it's not even funny. I want more!
I'd love for them to do Stinkor in the vinyl range. Then i'll bite. Also, I went at one of the MOTUSCLE figures with some paint...
Another unannounced release: clear Skeletor and green Beastman up now. Guessing these are supposed to be winter/holiday versions?