I think December 7th should become a new holiday - Mook-mas. I'll try to get off of work for it next year.
The Mooks layout is sweet and very informative. Also the case of real head figures at the show tonight looked gnarly. I feel your pain!
is it an official release or just a 1 off thing? i never heard of it unless it's one of the splattered points figs i'm kindda picturing...dunno?
I have no idea but it says this " DB-05 Black with gold hand paint (not pictured)" the description is "shop renewal bonus, December 24, 2006" Does anyone have this or ever seen it?
I agree and this makes me think that there are very few of these out there. If Carl or Brian didn't have it for the photo shoot that's bad news for me.
Thanks for the link. I don't see the damage either but I'm sure that's the colorway they are speaking of....hmmmmm Does it not exist then? Misprint?? haha
the paintjobs on them are really funky... i don't move the joints on them because it would tear apart the paint
On the Cure hand paint damage I have it's the same way. It actually looked like they moved the arms before bagging it because the paint was already broken around the under arm pit area. You can hardly tell and I don't care anyway....how the fuck am I going to find this damage? Do you actually have some of these?
i have a bee and a barbarian. i think i've seen another bee and another barbarian on yja, and that's all i saw when i was looking for these. livingdead would probably know for sure if there's a damage... maybe there's even more point card versions around