Re: "Making a Sofubi" and Factory Visit Video - paint update! Can't speak for Jon but I took it as a remark on Veracious and they're work for Bob Conge. Who else in the US is up and running?
Re: "Making a Sofubi" and Factory Visit Video - paint update! That's good to know Joe. So much to say I don't want to clog up his thread. I'll try to put up a somewhat lengthy post I've been working on sometime later this evening in the American Vinyl section, that I think might be of added interest on the subject. Again, some wonderful stuff here! Edit: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=42576&p=695012#p695012
Re: "Making a Sofubi" and Factory Visit Video - paint update! I know I had contacted Veracious in the past, with no reply. Thanks for the coverage Jon.
Re: "Making a Sofubi" and Factory Visit Video - paint update! Joe - nail on the head. Stealthtank - tell me more! Pics please! I apologize if I seemed to act like I know 'everything' about people outside of Japan who are making vinyl toys... I'm sure I don't! Video is taking while... I'm about half done, but today is reserved for candy, coffee and climbing. Soon though!
Hey people. I finally got the blog post written and video edited and posted to YouTube. Hope you enjoy! Disclaimer - don't mind my bad Japanese in the video - I somehow manage to (almost always) get my point accross
Great read, thanks for posting this. I can't wait to watch this video tonight, when I'm not stuck at work at a computer with no sound
Thanks for posting, Jon. I am amazed out how amazing of a painter he is and the type of airbrush he uses. Each toy came out awesome!