Anyone going to this? I'm pretty sure that Jan and I are going. We don't have tix yet, but we're hoping to be able get them at the event. Bal Theater in San Leandro, 7:00 PM. ... -godzilla/ "King Kong vs. Godzilla 50th Anniversary Screening Saturday, June 16, 2012, 7:00PM - 11:00PM The Historic Bal Theatre, 14808 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94578 General Seating $10.00 Description Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of KING KONG VS. GODZILLA at the Bal Theatre! Join Bay Area Film Events and host Creepy KOFY Movietime's Balrok as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the greatest cinematic clash of titans ever filmed! Two iconic creatures in one movie! The evening will include the movies KING KONG VS. GODZILLA and GODZILLA, MOTRHA, KING GHIDORAH GIANT MONSTERS ALL-OUT ATTACK, a special tribute to Toho Designer Yasayuki Inoue, Godzilla experts Steve Ryfle and Ed Godziszewski and special guest live and in-person, SyFy Channel's "Monsterman" Cleve Hall! We will also have prizes, merchandise, displays and more! And get ready for our charity art auction as artists come up with their own versions of the "The Big Swing" with Kong swinging Godzilla by the tail. Don't miss out on the chance to have one of these in your home! Don't miss the most MONSTROUS evening ever! And we're adding more extras all the time!!"
This was a great event. It didn't sell out, I think, but way more people there than I expected. Enough so that they announced that this will be an annual event. June 13, 2013! Mark your calendars. There were lots of guest speakers, some in person, one via Skype, and another via pre-taped video feed because he couldn't be there. Kimono My House had a table in the lobby with lots of Godzilla themed merchandise. Someone in a Godzilla suit and someone in a King Kong suit 'fighting' on the stage and a giant Mothra larva crawling around in front of the stage. Pretty awesome (I can't believe that I forgot my camera). They had a door prize raffle during intermission and gave away a bunch of t-shirts, DVD's, toys and art prints. I'll snap a photo of what we won and post it when I get up later. The only downer of the evening was the heat wave that hit the Bay Area today combined with the Bal Theater being an old style movie house with no air conditioning meant it was somewhere around 90 degrees in the theater. We just couldn't take it anymore and left after the intermission and skipped the second film. We'd seen it recently, anyway.
Our raffle prize: Two t-shirts, a lobby card from the event, and Invasion of Astro Monster/Godzilla vs. Monster Zero on DVD