Is this for people who are embarrassed to display vinyl with their art collections? To me the companion is a cartoon character, and the original toy captures that perfectly. Sure I'd love to have one, but the fancy materials (wood and bronze) don't do much for me.
the wooden companion is 100% for real. it is an edition of 100 individually signed and numbered pieces that carry a whopping price tag of JPY250,200 or almost $3000 at retail. i was also surprised that the size is not matching the og 5yl and instead around the size of the vader. for this price, i was expecting a wooden box with drawing like the bronzes or at least an accompanying print. but neither came through, instead it has a rather ordinary packaging.
I get the whole "get market will bear" idea, but honestly, that's just fucking ridiculous. And yes, the wooden bearbricks are very nice (I have one and can attest), but they're not 3K nice.
oooh, $3000! so cheap! it's amazing how he comes up with these sweet ideas all the time. the other one i posted is not photoshopped, it is real and it lives in my backyard.
COMPANION Karimoku Price ¥ 252,000 (tax included) KAWS autographed, serial number. ※ give me the serial number is chosen. At 10:00 the morning of the OriginalFake line with our target customer who got to the store before, do a lot of tickets enter the shop. When the draw official ID (driver's license and insurance card passport) may ask you to present your case. At that time, customers under 15 years old. You do not have an ID card or official, please give me your participation, so do not forget to bring your drawing. ※ The person purchase, let me point to each color for each item. ※ For details, please contact the shop.
What is really said is that unless they suck at outsourcing woodwork these probably cost them less than a regular run with mold costs. For that kind of money you could get some nice wood furniture that is more innovative, useful and will retain its value even if the hype machine falls apart. Give me a few KVP's and a dissected and I'll be done with Kaws for life.
For $3,000 i'll take a luxury vacation to Indonesia and have the same dudes carve me up a dozen in different kinds of woods. I would still have $$ left over.
Mam! This guy again. Congrats to kaws and his success, but I'd rather give props to Disney and the other art this guys justs rips off. Must be nice to use 75 yrs of other people's history and memories and use it to sell your stuff. I grew up with Disney and feel bad for Mickey evertime I see his stuff.
I don't think people are buying KAWS because of the Disney "connection". I'm just now starting to get over my hatred of all things Disney, but have previously like KAWS' stuff. Though more and more I just shake my head. I'm happy with the KAWS stuff I have, but wonder when (or if) there'll be something else he does that interests me.
See, I'm very happy with the KAWS stuff I have (which is a bunch), and am interested in some of the newer stuff (this, Sorayama thing), but am sadly (my fault, not his) getting priced out of it.
never liked changing sizes - huge goofy dissected milos looking wrong next to anything - but dont get idea either. wooden be@rbricks so fxxking awseome. wooden companions, why? im with meary. vinyl is perfect for companions. round shape of figure, together with smaller size, makes wooden companion look kitchy imho just like cute handcrafted animals. still interesting to know whether wooden be@rbricks have been kaws idea.
Wasn't the wooden be@rbrick based on a hand painted 1000% by KAWS for the be@rbrick world tour that was painted to look like wood grain?