Just a FYI

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by tinman59, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Always here with inane toy talk to act as a distraction if ya need it Frank :D . . . stay positive, Andy
  2. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    I don't think we've ever spoken but I admire your courage and my thoughts will be with you and yours :)
  3. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Good luck with all things during these trying times Frank. All the best.
  4. Aldo

    Aldo Comment King

    You seem to have the right attitude. If your mind stays positive your body will follow.

    Hang in there.
  5. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    So sorry to read this Frank. But with your overwhelmingly positive mindset it sounds like you are starting out on the right footing.

    Its at times like that Skullbrain as community will be there as a support and as a distraction. Best of luck on your journey.
  6. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    hang in there, man.

    my thoughts are with you.
  7. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    Shit, sorry to read this Tin, hope all went well today.

    Thinking of you in the bluegrass state!
  8. turtlegod

    turtlegod Addicted

    What's your address, Frank? Toys might seem irrelevant at the moment but you'd be surprised how cool it is to get free shit in the mail!!

    Get well soon.
  9. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I've always remembered how you helped me out when I was a fresh-faced newb. It's guys like you that have made Skullbrain the the forum of renown it is.
    Stay tough. I'm sure you'll beat it.
  10. tinman59

    tinman59 Comment King

    Again, thanks for the support :D You guys rock!! 2nd day into the chemo & radation, so far so good! Just a little nausea, a ton of fear, apprehension, and paranoia, all of which made for a stressful yesterday. But... after my treatment today, I now know what to expect. My stress level dropped from 110 to 90 :lol: (Actually more like 10) All the nurses are cool, and seem to enjoy my warped sense of humor, even the radiation techs who had to stare at my butt, for 25 minutes & mark with a felt tip, locations for reference drew a smiley face on it. She didn't go with my suggestion of writing KISS MY... tho.
    Now for another 11 months of adventure, the 1st step is always the hardest, but with family, kind words, similar stories from board members, the path will just get easier. & if I need a laugh, I can always count on HMS (havingmysay) ripping someone a new one :lol:
  11. aquaphase

    aquaphase Toy Prince

    First step done! I think you've earned yourself a toy ;)
  12. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Hang in there Frank - I just saw the thread today but my thoughts are now with you. Keep the board updated with your progress and know we're all pulling for you.
  13. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Oh man Frank! This has already been said, but I admire your courage and Michele (my wife) and I will keep you in our thoughts and wish the best for you and your family. I have UC and have had but the mildest procedures you've faced to reflect upon. I cheated the last time I had to drink the gallon jug of intestinal rocket fuel and went to the procedure with a hangover, raging flatulence and scared shitless. :oops: :oops: :oops: Sounds like you've got all the minor stuff licked and I'm sure the bigger stuff will be accomplished w/ an equally strong show of spirit. Stay up/positive bro!!!!

    I'm not certain what's happening on 2/17th?, but Josh will be in Florida for the show the 2/13th!!!
  14. KJB

    KJB Comment King

    You've got my thoughts & prayers going out to you, and it sounds like you have a good team on your side. Thanks for the advice, too - it's something I don't think about much, but as I'm turning 48 this year I really should. Positive thoughts!
  15. tinman59

    tinman59 Comment King

    You're right, typo on my part :roll: I will be there, buy you a beer, and maybe a slice of pizza from next door ;)
  16. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Man that sounds killer, but it's just gonna' be Josh this time around! I'll gladly take a rain check on that beer and pizza though.
    Take care of yourself! And from my limited understanding there are healing properties in the power of pizza!!!
  17. KaijuZoo

    KaijuZoo Toy Prince

    Hiya Frank, I just saw your thread and wanted to chime in with my own words of encouragement to help support you on this journey. It will be a slow process to heal but I personally know that there is life after cancer as my wife is a 13 year survivor - who says 13 is an unlucky number??!!

    And also thanks for your courage to shed light on your disease and treatment. Your sharing will no doubt prod and help others to get the colonoscopy when the time comes. I'm 60 this spring and have had two 'scopes so far with a clean bill of health.

    Best of wishes to you my friend, be strong during your recovery!
  18. tinman59

    tinman59 Comment King

    Everyone's been great, hard to answer the PM's (slow down).

    The 1st week went great, no nausea, very little pain from the radiation, only 4 vicodin all week, oh this is gonna be a cakewalk or so I thought :roll: . Now into the second week of chemo & radiation, still no nausea, but the pain has increased. Taken 4 vicodin between yesterday & now. The pain isn't really that bad, but is more of a nuisance. Hard to sit, get comfortable, walk, ect. You never really imagine how almost everything you do effects your butt. cough, sneeze, burp, sit, walk, bend over, climb stairs, the list goes on & on. As long as it's part of the healing process, I'll just deal with it, with a lot of help from my wife Judy, family & friends, (oh and mommy's little helper Vicodin ;) ).
  19. BobDuher

    BobDuher Addicted

    Thanks for sharing your story....life is precious and sometimes we forget that. Know that we're here to support you.
  20. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    Fight on, Frank!!!

    We will pray for you!
  21. chottomatte

    chottomatte Addicted

    Hang in there Frank, stay strong and maybe I'll be able to meet you in SDCC 2011!

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