So looking this up Duk Duk - Duk-Duk is a secret society, part of the traditional culture of the Tolai people of the Rabaul area of New Britain, the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea, in the South Pacific. And Douk Douk - The douk-douk is a French pocketknife of simple sheet-metal construction. It has been manufactured by the M. C. Cognet cutlery firm in Thiers, France, since 1929 - Any more info on this Brian?
Re: Is it Duk Duk or Douk Douk And let's not forget Tubuan, the female version with eyes, like the toy...
Re: Is it Duk Duk or Douk Douk Tubuan have large staring eyes and upturned mouths, but they are not friendly. Accompanied by the dukduks, they act as enforcers. They collect fines assessed against rule breakers and their relatives by the village elders. Traditional fines were paid with strings of shell money. Penalties for not paying up could include burning down an offender's house.
Ever since seeing the Duk Duk photos a few years ago, I have had a drawing of my version of the character to be made into a toy. During that time, it always seemed to get trumped by another project or idea, and pushed to the side. Earlier this year, I learned that Marmit was looking to make a Duk Duk style figure as well -what were the chances of both of us referencing something so obscure? I got in touch with them about a collaboration, where I make a head version in my style, and they make versions in their style (as the bodies are fairly the same across all the Duk Duk iterations), and the collaboration figure was born! They are a bit more focused on the Tounbaba side, while I am focused on the Duk Duk side. Overall I am super excited about this figure, and I hope that you are too! -brian
Always been a fan so hopefully. Unfortunately, money talks and I'm not sure how profitable this toy was.