Interview with Elegab

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by onwi, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. onwi

    onwi Toy Prince

    I interviewed Naritada of Elegab last Monday. I asked him a couple of questions when we were just waiting around at the station, and I think there's enough interest to put them here. I didn't want to include it with the full interview, since I didn't have a recorder running at the time, but informally, consider this skullbrain exclusive:

    A: So when you do these drawings from your dreams, how many do you go through before you decide on a character to turn into a toy?
    N: Usually for every 10 or so, I have a character that I'll eventually turn into a toy.
    A: What do you do with the extra characters that you don't use? Throw them away?
    N: Yeah, normally. This is still at the rough sketch stage.

    A: Do you have your own toys displayed at home?
    N: No way. My apartment isn't big enough.
    A: So everything's boxed up.
    N: Yeah, until I need to paint them.
    A: Do you have a studio, or do you paint at home?
    N: At home. In my kitchen. That way I can use the exhaust vent in addition to a mask.

    (at the end of the interview)
    A: What are your plans for the rest of the day?
    N: Draw more pictures, and submit the order for the GID Oil Shock vinyl.
    A: Other than illustration and music, what do you do in your free time?
    N: I watch baseball. The Carps are playing tomorrow, so I'll go see them.

    The full interview is at
  2. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    Thank you so much for this great interview !

    Really instructive. Nari-san seems as kind in real life as through his e-mails.
  3. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    awesome. Thanks for taking the time :)
  4. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    Thanks for doing these, they've been fantastic so far... I can't wait to read through this. Hearing that he paints the toys in his kitchen is just awesome. The photo at the top of the interview of Nari is also absolutely adorable :lol:
  5. Sokko

    Sokko Addicted

    That was great. Thank you for sharing this with us!!
  6. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    Great job as always Onwi :D
  7. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    Way cool! Thanks Onwi!
  8. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Love it! And I agree with him on the Tonneran. :D
  9. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Great interview!!!
  10. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    I am really amazed that his Kaiju come to him in dreams. It just never occurred to me that the monsters would come to his mind that way. The only dreams I ever remember are stress-amplified version of the crappier moments of my day. Totally reproductions of daily life with zero fantastical or original elements. Let's just say I'm really jealous that Nari-san gets to dream Kaiju.

    Thank you so much for this interview, Onwi. I really love Nari's works and the interview definitely adds new dimensions to my appreciation of his monsters.
  11. paulk

    paulk Addicted

    While reading, I found myself curious as to the scale of the monsters in his dreams. Giants, crushing buildings or small scale? I'm guessing it varies. It would be pretty cool to dream about giant monsters!

    Thanks for the interview! I've been wanting to read an interview with Nari-san. Can't wait for Smog King!
  12. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Cool interview, thanks.
    I'm glad that he want to do something with his illustrations.
    A book full of his drawings (and toy pics) would be nice !
  13. jcat

    jcat Comment King

    great interview!
  14. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    wow, some of my favorite stuff. Interesting to know he gets ideas from dreams. I have kaiju dreams sometimes, usually I'm in a store where it's packed full of kaiju. When I go to buy something there's always some sort of impossible obstacle and I can't buy anything.
  15. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    Very interesting interview!!!!
  16. philreed

    philreed Fresh Meat

    The few times I remember a dream it's either a nightmare about work or an idea for a new game mechanic. I never have dreams about monsters. I wish I did.
  17. dustbin12

    dustbin12 Addicted

    another great interview, onwi... thanks for your efforts.

    my only monster dream was just over a year ago... various amalgamation of kaiju destroying a city while i watched. though, i had just been hooked & spent the better part of a week scouring the board to see what types of stuff was out there... so basically a stress dream from information overload & the impending destruction of my bank account. :lol:
  18. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    So nice that you share these insightful interviews with us Onwi. What a perfect day, sharing shaved ice and conversation with Nari and his toys. Your questions, and the photographs, help to capture the man and his talent. Such a young man. It excites me to think what is yet to come from his dreamscapes Thank you!.
  19. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    You can develop your abiity to have vivid and lucid dreams with a little patience and commitment. My dreams seem as real as the physical world. And I can often become lucid. When I started developing the skill, I could barely recall a dream. I've never used a dream for inspiration, but my most recent monster ideas have come from hypnogogic imagery during meditation. So I am very interested in others using dreams or deeper levels of imagination. I hope more artists explore those tools.

    Anyway, thanks again Onwi for another great interview.
    Purple Bat likes this.

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