Ghibli Co-founder Isao Takahata Passes Away

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    While his health had reportedly been in decline, it is sad to hear of the passing of someone who not only gave us such creative and enjoyable works, but also played a significant role in bringing the world of 'anime' to audiences outside of Japan. While I know many hardcore fans might balk, the fact is without Studio Ghibli, and the works they created, I have no doubt there would be nowhere near the presence of Japanese animation outside of the country today. With the exception of some series' translated in French in the 70s and 80s, it was only through major films that the knowledge, reputations, and market became developed. As one of the three founders of Studio Ghibli, originally coming from the impressive Toei Animation, Mr. Takahata was pivotal in this. And for me, there are few films which will hold a place in my mind like Graveyard of the Fireflies (which Takahata-san directed). His works speak for themselves, and I am sure there are a few admiring fans of his here as well. I am sure the many new generations of animators he inspired will honour and continue his legacy.

    高畑 勲
    Takahata Isao

  2. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ Same for me, Le Tombeau des lucioles (火垂るの墓) is one of my favorite movie ever. I wept for days.
    kichigai and The Moog like this.
  3. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

  4. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Grave of the Fireflies made me cry, and I can't say that about many anime features.

    Pom Poko and My Neighbors the Yamadas are wonderfully quirky and worth anyone's time as well.

    Miyazaki always spoke of him with great respect and admiration.
    kichigai and ungawa222 like this.
  5. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    How sad. :cry:
    kichigai likes this.
  6. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    There are always so many other works to discover or rediscover.

    The legacy of that work is mythic if it can effectively cause emotional reverence. Ken the Wolf Boy is the earliest exposure to his works that I had but did not realize this when I had watched the episodes.

    It should be mentioned here both the manga and film versions of the amazing Nausicaä are also credited for the foundation of Studio Ghibli.

    A favorite of his modern films is based on an ancient Japanese folktale believed to have first been recorded on paper sometime in the 12th century called "Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” a hauntingly beautiful story that was developed into かぐや姫の物語 or The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.


    9 years ago I saved a well written article of review prior to the film's completion and was happy to see information still exists. Here is a link should anyone care to read more:


    Thank you for your Legacy.
    The Moog and Anti Social Andy like this.
  7. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    I need to have a film-day! :cry:
    The Moog likes this.

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