Just posting it here since I didn't see a mention of it anywhere else. New Hyper Hobby has a very tiny picture of a new rainbow Chaos Eight pack. Eight clear mini Chaos with eight different color eyes. No scanner so I can't get pic up. Incoming heartbreak and empty wallets.
All same clear vinyl with different color eyes. Just like the black set but in clear with the different eyes.
Thanks for all the update guys. Is the new Clear Rainbow pack just Mutant Chaos? List updated a bit with new releases in JP and US.
I am pretty sure these are limited to only 2 sets that are 'presents' for Hyper Hobby readers from RxH - they have a lucky draw every month of all kinds of stuff. Remember the Gold Mutant Head from a couple years back? (check your Mook) I wonder if Hiro will win both sets? Unfortunately Michael from Michka stole my issue of Hyper Hobby so I can't confirm right now (just joshing ya Mike)
Only 2 sets??? From what I understood from Hiro, he's mostly a Mutant Head fan. Are the clear minis colored? Clear blue, clear red...etc.?
yes, only 2 sets were provided for the lottery. but... the execution of the set is exactly the same as the black pack, just on a non-colour clear base.
I think there will be chance, but you will probably need deep pockets. Anyhow, joe, another one for your database. I quite like the new mini bat. Also, there seem to be quite a few more variations for the very first blind bag releases.
Deep pockets are something I do not have. Good luck to those that do. That new Mini O Bat looks nice. Really liking the mini Bat and Jinja sculpts.
Collin votes for the oni head - eh? So what fig do YOU most want to see get the mini treatment??? I vote for a mini Shinto - that would be RAD
I would love a mini Shinto. I'm really curious to see a mini gatchigon and borg, but I would vote Mini Shintosan. Hell, I'm ready for another full-size Shinto (in clear purple one day).