Mark, there is no "schedule" !!! Mori releases what he wants, when he wants. If you get it, cool. If you don't, you hunt the ones you want. Simple. Oh, and since you feel bad for me, you get to buy the first round when you come to Boston in a couple of weeks!
nice...the two of you trading barbs nice kids. oh and bring your bait. i feel like trading and i'll have some decent stuff available back to the thread....
I meant schedule as in releases - I also understand Mori is the "master of his own domain" but it is not like there are hundreds of blanks sitting in a factory somewhere waiting for Mori to call up and say - paint up 100 yellow mini Evils.......... They do not get made overnight - it takes some time. There has to be planning to make these hence a SCHEDULE! I stand by my other statement - there is no other vinyl company releasing as much different product as RxH right now except for maybe Bandai? Well DUH! I'm visiting there SPAMTE! Show some hospitality!!! Ed - you will get nothing out of me and like it!!!!! LOL!!! Will see if I can stow something in my suitcase.
thanxx joe, great job, very nice pics, statistcs loads of fun. would really appreciate more minis for everyone!!!
This is the set. There are samples and took me huge effort to assemble the complete set. Its going to join an awesome mini collection soon.
Hmmmm. NFS items would only be traded for other NFS items or prototypes. I wonder if those mini Chaosmen would enjoy the Tampa area.....
I think you're a bit closer to Fenway Park than you are to Ybor City in Tampa. On the otherhand, I live across the bay from Ybor!
Yes, thanks for doing this, Joe I think it might be too soon to rate the rarity of the figures--well most of them. only time will tell. the mini invasion is just getting started. Anyway, we can always edit later.