Good to "see" you here again Len! Happy New Year to you and the Mrs! P.S. Just heard that Double Punch in North Beach closed it's doors Another toy store and gallery venue that's evaporated in SF. They had a great window wall with a mural by Mr. Bwana Many fun and interesting shows were put on in the upstairs gallery, sadly no more... Sign of the times of higher rents in the City
Happy New Year to you, too. That's too bad about Double Punch. I went to a bunch of great shows there.
Oh wow, that is truly sad news. It wasn't too long ago that I popped in for a visit and there was no indication that they were going to close shop. I wouldn't be surprised if it was indeed a case of ye olde San Francisco greedy landlord syndrome. North Beach just got a little more boring. It's been a long time since I've seen any of the BASK crew in person but just wanted to pop in here to say "howdy!"
Looking for something to do over the long upcoming weekend? If you have not seen the Coit Tower murals, the news is, the Tower has been rennovated, art work restored, and it's now open to the public again (after being closed for 6 months). Well worth a gander... The little Aquatic House on the Wharf is also a little jewel! Small, yet filled with treasures, and the murals there are quite nice.
YAY!!!! Finally! I've been watching this battle forever. Glad that the "un-washed" masses got their say in court and won back public access to our beautiful beaches!
Whoops! Sorry Bryce No we never had time to meet up to go see the secret toy cave . Brian was very kind to extend the invitation, so maybe one day we can beg for another invite? Ok, I thought I was dreaming, I heard what I thought were coyote howls in McLaren Park (one of the best kept "secret" parks in SF), and I DEFINITELY did see a gray fox dash in front of me, driving in the park neighborhood at 2am. Boy I was shocked at that one! Pretty cool, and I wonder if the drought is making them range further to find their food sources... ... -the-park/ ... 202013.pdf *Stay out of the park at night, it's not safe...
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! It's frigidly cold tonight in the East Bay--too cold to stay late and work. Hovering just above freezing outside, so I better get home to feed the kittees and avoid black ice. My heating bills are going to be expensive this month! Ok, stay warm everyone
Daylight Savings Time (beginning and end of), always puts me in zombie mode for quite a while. Even though it's only an hour difference, it can leave you feeling jet lagged. My Sis has noticed my zombie eyes the last couple of days!
^^Daylight savings is the worst. I'm in bed already trying to program slash rewire myself to wake up at 6 am.
The only good part of DST in Spring is that my cat Rokit wakes me up at 6:30 now in stead of 5:30. "good"
Man! It's brutal. The inside temp of the house got up to 98 degrees F today, well over 107 F, outside in the afternoon. Its 93F inside the house right now, with all windows wide open, and all fans set to high Poor kittees are so hot! Hoping it will cool down soon. Those who are not from SF, FYI, most houses do not have air conditioning.
And I see ya with a Disco queen, flashing disco ball, and men in blue for backup It is cooler today, although the kittees are still snuggled up against cold bottles of carbonated water (they don't like ice bags )
Standard time... Dark dark dark by 5 pm.... Frigid cold... Winter is upon us, and it feels like... *Watch in full-screen mode. Those eyes! That voice!
Goodbye Henry. Emma and I sadly lost our gentle giant, he was 9 years old. Always playful, gentle, lots of fun, and a wonderful companion, he always made us feel loved and gave us great joy. My heart is torn at loosing him, he was a once-in-a-life-time cat, and I know there are so many special cats out there, but when Henry and Emma came to me, I realized they were different. We miss him so much. Emma is mourning deeply, and has turned into an old lady cat, hardly moving, and always sad. We wait for time to heal us. In hopes of adding more love and energy to the house, we've adopted baby Odin! Odin is barely a year old and full of rocket socket ENERGY! Very mischievous and very sweet, but sadly does not cuddle with Emma (at least not yet ). He's our new adventure. We miss Henry everyday, it's so hard to say goodbye. We wait for time to heal us. Goodbye Henry, but Hello Odin.
Very sorry to hear of your loss. Here’s hoping that your adorable new addition will help to fill the gaps soon.
@Mr. Humphreys - Grace, thoughts for your family. Trust that Henry is now free from pain and at rest.
Thank you for your kindness. We lost Henry back in March, and it is still very hard not to burst into tears when I see his photos, or when I'm thinking of him. Emma and I really really miss him That old adage is very true, "with great love comes great pain"...
@Mr. Humphreys I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss. I hope Emma begins to perk up as Odin matures.
Thanks again everyone for your well wishes. I try not to think of Henry too much, as I still break out in tears if I ponder too long. Poor Odin, he has some very big paws to fill, left by Henry, I have to keep reminding myself not to compare him against Henry. It's been only 4 months, and Odin is slowly adapting to his new home. Still lots of kitten energy (he's just a tad over a year old), he literally bounces off the walls and zooms up and down the stairs. Poor Emma is the target of his play energy. He's constantly stalking and attacking her, and we have to verbally discipline him to get him to stop doing that! He really needs another kitten his own age to play with. He's getting a tiny bit better about learning manners (he wasn't properly socialized when he was a baby), and has stopped the aggressive play biting! Claw clipping is still a work in progress, furniture has to be draped in towels, as he digs into the leather and leaves scratch marks Here is Odin's latest photos, he's grown from 8 lbs. to a little over 13 lbs. (in only a shocking 2 months!), and he's still growing! waking up from a nap rolling over and not wanting to get up...
My little boy passed a couple of years ago and his name was Odin. The sweetest cutest little guy. Makes me happy that your new kitty has the same name. Our new girl, Frigg, is cute as hell but not even half as nice.
Thank you Taviq! Sorry about your fuzzy one's passing, it's always a tough one. Sounds like you need a second kittee to perhaps help Frigg mellow out