Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE The mishka boogie-man is on ayj now. Anyone can help me to score one? Really need it so bad. that is so cool even the header is brilliant.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE the japanese retail on the mishka BM is at least JPY14,000+ including local shipping + fees depending on where u are in japan. one of the more expensive figure at retail. i just received it, overall it is nice but i think the cleaver is the weakest link of this otherwise great figure.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Fear not guys. Mishka and Lulubell will have a good amount to go around. I wouldn't hit up YJA just yet. Info soon. Interesting story about the cleaver. Around the time of the first drawings there were many different versions of weapons. Tossy felt that the best one was the cleaver because it balanced out the craziness of the sculpt. He said you might not see this person in real life but you could really see a giant meat cleaver coming down on you. It's kind of the scariest part really.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE I really dig this one. the colors are great. and I like this head the best from what I've seen. I actually like the cleaver. a figure as chunky, detailed, and all over the place, the cleaver was a nice touch.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Any scans of the weapon sketches? I'm super curious on what else they had in mind. Not to say I don't like the cleaver (it's second best to the kasuri-gama scythe, never was a huge fan of the oni club), but it's always nice to see the 'what-if's.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE The club was always my favorite. Boogie looks like a big, clumsy bastard that would wallop you with something heavy and blunt.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE I second this. His huge head and lanky arms...I imagine him like some sort of ogre. Club then cleaver for me.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Incidentally, it looks like the K-T Boogies are shipping. Looking forward to seeing the glow in person. As for Mishka's, it's obviously killer, but does it have gid innards or anything like that?
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Amazingly painted glow innards?? Nah, I love it--and the inclusion of the LED is fucking diesel--but I'm a GID nut and I need my fix!
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Wow the pant is so cool and metal button are so detail. Cant wait for this boogie........ need to repeat myself again, One of the best boogie ever.......
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE So I haven't been following boogie men, but I take it this is a brand new head sculpt? The heads under the masks have been my favorite part of these and this one is really cool.