^ Just went and checked it out - there are buttons for show/don't show your online status in both privacy and preferences. I clicked both, saved the changes in both, and... still visible!
How did you guys check to see if you were hidden? I think you'll always be able to see your own online status.
Yeah, I thought about that last night. When I see my posts in the thread I have that little green tab at the upper left corner of my avatar, but haven't yet coordinated with another boardie to ask them what they see while I'm logged in. I'm over there now, 10am EST - someone care to have a look and PM me a report?
^^ no green tab on your name right now. so, James.. we cant link to an avatar somewhere online? mine is a gif so I dunno how I could use it w/o..
I noticed the 'View your posts' button hasn't been carried over. It wasn't something I often used, but it was sometimes useful to filter out all the discussions you don't feel are pertinent to you, when searching for stuff. But of course, I can see how having too many headers/links is quickly going to be very cumbersome on the top of the board.
I changed up my signature over there when we were first testing things out. I just went back in and tried to paste my old info in and got this message: and the preview didn't reflect my font size choices, either. Der code: Spoiler Want to help me expand my young Buta family? "I think and try to get a monster of flower soft ware toy pig actually, and notice that light unexpectedly." Flickr one and Flickr two Tell me more, Master James! Related: I haven't found a comparable option to search user's posts when checking somebody else's profile.
Pretty sure James would be the one suffering a serious headache from all of us nerds nitpicking his [very generous, and completely free] handiwork with our inane demands and comments all day long. I kid, but seriously, I recognise that this is actually a serious project, and a major undertaking for someone to handle (let alone in their spare time), just because they want to help out some hoighty-toity toy geeks.
I totally agree and I am glad that it's him and not me! Although there are a lot of questions and things that need to be worked out, it's better than just uprooting and leaving folks to defend for themselves
Maybe this has been answered already, but has anyone tried starting a conversation yet? How does that work? Sorry if this has been answered/explained. EDIT: I tested it. It works as should.
This is a permissions thing. I haven't updated the permissions for users creating signatures yet, so if your signature copied over in the import, then it's over there, but if you go to make changes to it you're stuck with very limited options. Once I do the full transition I'll be sure that everyone's permissions for things like that are correct.
James, not sure if you are aware, but comments cannot be deleted either, even if no one had posted afterwards.
Will boardie birthdays still be a part of the front page? I fear for Canadian Steve's well being if not!
Will all mods be transferring over in their respective roles (and forums they are supposed to be in charge of), or are you taking on sole 'responsibility' for the new board? All hail the Mod Overlord!