(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    @hellointerloper your nose is fine :)
    hellointerloper and Purple Bat like this.
  2. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    Although California has been in a drought and badly needed the water. F U Rain storm! A tree and our fence was blown over in the front yard, and every single route I can take to work was closed due to maintenance and debris clearing. This town wasn't ready.
  3. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    ^^^ California is never ready for storms. That's much more of an FU to engineers or humans putting things in bad places. I remember as a kid the movie theater in Mission Valley, San Diego would flood every year. I was around 13 and couldn't understand why they built it there. Made no sense to me.

    On the other hand it is going to be a beautiful spring. Can't wait for hiking season to begin.
    BrainDeadBrum likes this.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I purposefully never upload photos of myself from the side. :lol:
    But hey, if Demetri Martin can learn to love his huge nose, so can I!
  5. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Fuck anxiety and the amount of sleep I've lost the last two weeks.
    Purple Bat and hellointerloper like this.
  6. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I am so very sorry. Anxiety is fucking awful. Having the same issue right now.

    Aaaand most of it relates to my previous post, because it seems like I misinterpreted my sister's nosejob situation.
    She finally broke down and said she's extremely depressed and "feels dead inside," and now I'm starting to think it had less to do with selfishness/vanity and more to do with body dysmorphia. You can imagine how guilty I feel... but also frustrated because I know most of her problems stem from being with her disgusting psychopath boyfriend, whom she refuses to leave because he has her brainwashed into believing he loves her.
    (LITERALLY A PSYCHOPATH. Every fucking requirement for being a psychopath clinically, he makes the mark. I wish I was kidding.)
    The anxiety of not being able to help or do anything is awful.
    Purple Bat and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  7. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    F me for pouring coffee on my laptop.
    I'm using a second keyboard now. I was going to try to type some gibberish out for fun, but the keys are so messed up that some are triggering F-key functionality and whatnot.
    Although the "T" key also triggers the Tab function, so that seemed appropriate. :mrgreen:
  8. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Fuck you Wacom for a less than one year old 27QHD Cintiq dying for no reason that I can find whatsoever. Thank you past me for buying the 2 year extended warranty.
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  9. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    It's taken me nearly 27 years, but I finally realized that my mom is a light hoarder. That realization has hit me like a ton of fucking bricks...
    And I don't understand why I didn't realize it earlier. It's probably because I grew up like this, with the pantry, fridge, and medicine shelf always full, and everything in the back expired by years.
    It's been getting worse now though because of all the family stress. We have two fridges. Two pantries. There's groceries on the floor of the laundry room and in the garage, because they won't fit in the fridge, and those rooms are cold. The guest room and my old room have become storage spaces and you can't even walk through them. There's probably 6 jars of opened, half-eaten marmalade on the top shelf of the fridge. Same with vinaigrettes and sauces and mustards and everything under the fucking sun. None of it is mine, I don't eat that stuff. Maybe 5% of the fridge is my food. If I ever buy anything I get yelled at for moving other things. If I find something expired in the fridge and show it to my mom, she makes up some excuse that she couldn't see it because of my food or that "it doesn't expire like other foods."

    My mom found fucking Lion King bandaids in the closet the other month. From 1995. Nobody has gone to the back of that closet in two decades because it's so cluttered.

    It's no wonder my boyfriend has stopped staying organized after 5 years of living here and just throws all his clothes in boxes on the floor now. It doesn't matter anymore. We live in this fucking asylum of mess, why even bother... this is damaging our psyches as well.

    My god we need to get out of here.
    The state is taking forever to process my boyfriend's EMT license though, I got denied disability because I don't have enough work credits, (which is dandy because I CAN'T WORK thanks to my sporadic severe migraines), and the only other assistance program I could qualify for requires you to be literally broke and practically homeless.

    Sorry if this is really personal shit, but I can't vent to people I know in real life because they don't know any of this, and can't know.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
  10. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    @hellointerloper I used to live with a hoarder, and just yesterday I noticed how much more relaxed I am at home without all that extra stuff in the way. I still will leave dishes on the counter for a couple days, and will leave some stuff randomly around my place, but there is just so much less stuff that cleaning up takes very little time when I choose to do it. I remember losing my basic tidiness habits, when there was so much visual chaos that I could not control. It was demoralizing. I hope you get to a place where you can bust free.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Thanks, and I couldn't have said it better. Occasional laziness or clutter doesn't bother me, that's natural. I don't need a pristine environment. I just need things to have their place, and not have useless stuff around that no one needs/uses.
    A hoarding situation is... oppressive, almost, it keeps you feeling powerless. I can't touch anything or clean anything because it will set my mom off. I pulled a bag of granola from the back of the fridge the other day, and pointed out that it expired in 2014. She got angry that I uncovered evidence, because she went defensive and blamed us for not eating it (I don't eat granola mix, I think only my sister does and she moved out a year ago) and tried to argue that granola doesn't expire in the fridge.
    It's impossible to use logic in this kind of situation.
  12. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Trump needs a fucking punch to the head. Banning certain networks that don't kiss his ass and his assinine policies? Fuck him. He vowed not to do it on the campaign trail. Isn't banning the press the first step towards dictatorship? Newsflash it isn't fake news if the press is reporting exactly what you are doing. Just because you're a coward and want to hide things from the American people doesn't mean you will get away with it. Saying the sky is green doesn't make it so. What a fucking toolbox. He will be impeached before the end of 4 years. Mark my words.
  13. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Hope that rotten shit stain gets impeached, he truly is ridiculous. To hell with everyone that voted for him.
  14. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I hate getting political, but FUCK.
    hellointerloper and boon velvet like this.
  15. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    Lol, I'd hardly call that getting "political" ;)
  16. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I typed out a lot more, but decided to delete it because I didn't want to stir the pot anymore LOL that was my frustration with everything and also me getting in a fight :razz:
  17. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Well let's hope "no one" is dumb enough to press the red button, just because "someone's" ego wasn't stroked! s..c..a..r..y!

    p.s. don't forget the electoral college! :?
    hellointerloper and boon velvet like this.
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I have a buddy who is on disability that is seriously considering moving to Canada because of this administration. I feel so bad that he's willing to leave everything he knows behind, just because the fear that he's going to lose his benefits is weighing so much on him.
  19. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

  20. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    Fucking cheeto!
  21. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    That's insulting to Cheetos.
  22. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    That's ok really let the real 'fake news' outlets like breitbart keeping churning out the kool aid for all his dumb ass followers to drink up. They would rather bury their heads in the sand and turn away from what's really going on such as outright racisim, transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class, and environmental issues that are already impacting people all around the world. Keep drinking the kool aid and voting against your own interests and then wonder why you are poor, jobless, without healthcare, and why that flood damage is no longer covered by fema. Or that polluted stream is giving you and your family cancer. Keep burying your dumb ass alt right alt fact trumpite head in the sand.

    The rest of us will just enjoy this adminstration play whack a mole because it has more leaks than the canoe made of swiss cheese. Which basically means it's all coming out in the wash anyhow so block critical news outlets. You can't stop the truth from coming out.
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  23. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Actually sounds a lot like Witcher 3, less feudal japan and more European, but undoubtedly one of the best titles on the PS4
  24. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    I thought Brexit was a fuck-up . . . but you guys are winning hands down!
  25. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    If they had the skills and dedication to do it, it would be an awesome game idea.
    Except they don't. TBH I haven't heard from the group in over a week now, so I think it died.
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