The Walking Dead television series!!!!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by deadboy, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    So if the guy who regularly bashes peoples heads open with a bat he talks to like it's his girlfriend then takes pictures of the aftermath as keepsakes was killing women instead of men that would make him a monster?

    I think your definition of monster is a little different than mine!

    Plus it's 2016 with equal rights and all that so killing men or women can't be different anymore cause sexism and whatnot.

    Negan the unappreciated modern artist -

  2. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    True true. Sexism. But in the comics he collects "wives" so i guess i let that influence my comment without mentioning it.
  3. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Negan kills women also. In the comic he didn't allow Holly to be raped from one of his men. But he did use her as a distraction to get back at Rick's group by having her kill and turned in to a zombie.
  4. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    Yea but i dont think he would choose a woman in their group to bash in to set an example. Yes i think that would be a more "monsterous" act and not what hes tryin to achieve. Hes not looking to be evil but to show his force/power. This was dumb and sorry i said anything! Hahah
  5. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Fear is a decent show... I just hate that it's only 10 episodes... by the time you start getting a FEEL for a character... SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!
  6. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I'm not watching it (no cable and I'm not paying for it on iTunes) but I read recaps (it's like a short story that way lol). This season is 15 episodes btw so you might get to see some actual story/character development.
  7. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I haven't checked out Fear yet either, but I think WD used up all of my zombie patience/show leniency already. It doesn't help that I have only read poor things about it. If that tide shifts, I could maybe see giving it a go, but honestly, I am suffering from bad tv fatigue at this point.
  8. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    This season is far better than the first. Being on a ship is novel and the junkies arc is quite satisfying
  9. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Some concentrated bitching that I just discovered:

  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I'm calling it for tonight:

    Two deaths: Abraham gets the initial bat and Glenn gets it after someone angers Negan.
  11. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Thoroughly enjoyed. Episode almost made the bs S6 finale forgivable.

    Glad to still be enjoying the show. Had high hopes for FTWD... which were completely crushed in S2. Done with that one.
  12. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    The way the writers tackled (and expanded on) the audience's speculation of who would be killed was really well done! I loved it
  13. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    welp, looks like i'm back in. i was ready to stop, but this episode got me good.
  14. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    To dark and horrible for me. I find myself tired with all the shows that rely on sociopaths as fuel.
  15. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Oh my God.
    I watched the latest Walking Dead episode earlier this week. I was so traumatized that I needed to clear my head by watching something else before bed, so we decided on Deadwood. It was the episode where Kristen Bell gets her skull smashed in. Definitely didn't help. lol..
  16. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    It's pretty ridiculous for Maggie at least.

    Her lifelong friend gets shot in the leg and left as zombie bait by Shane.
    Her dad gets his head chopped off by a sword.
    Her sister gets her head blown off by some crazy sadistic police woman.
    Her husband gets his brains bashed out by a hipster biker with a vampire baseball bat.

    And somehow people still think this show is about zombies.
  17. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Ahhh the more horrific the better I say- I look it as a release from being sucked into watching a horrible show and imagine it's the writers/directors/amc getting their heads bashed in.

    And yes who knew only hipsters would survive the zombie apocalypse?! LMAO!
  18. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    I think the new season is outstanding so far. The show makers have long said it's more about the people than the zombies.
    smurph likes this.
  19. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Dieselboy & Co had a pretty good run with that whole Terminus deal... :lol:
  20. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Seriously! I go camping for a weekend and by the end I am more ragged and filthy than all the zombies apocalypse survivors. Even the cannibals and mass murderers.

    I will admit though seeing a pet tiger was pretty fun. And the King's main henchman with the giant axe is hilarious and more interesting than everyone else in the show. Besides the tiger.
  21. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    -"So, whom shall we elect as our new leader?"
    -"How about the homeless insane guy who recites GOT to himself and somehow has a tiger that will most likely tear us all to shreds one day?"
    -"Whatevs, I don't care anymore."
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  22. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Are you talking about Walking Dead or the US presidential election?
    bunnyboy likes this.
  23. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

  24. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

  25. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    I was 2 episodes behind, caught up last night... it made me happy even though it was 2 episodes later, we did hear what he said at the end of issue 100. " I just slid my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it."

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