The Walking Dead television series!!!!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by deadboy, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Loved the season opener. I haven't read the comic so I know nothing about Michonne but I already like her. Psyched to see that beheadings have replaced "get off my land." :twisted:
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member


    Okay, I'm in.
  3. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    this I found to be rather pivotal as what did we have for entertainment before we advanced to where we are? well guess what in a zombie apocalypse other than the boredom dance live variety shows reign supreme :twisted:
  4. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    The tone of this season opener was excellent. I felt genuine anxiety while they were going through the prison at the end, and the wordless intro at the beginning did such a great job of conveying how these characters are on their last legs.

    Like every episode of this series, though, there were things that bugged me, but not to the degree that they have in the past. One, Michonne may be a neat character in the comics but that doesn't translate well to live action. Seeing her use that sword is just way to silly and cartoonish for me.

    Also, when you lop off someone's head, zombie or otherwise, it can't make noise, because there are no lungs to push air through the voice box. George Romero blew that in Diary of the Dead, too.

    Otherwise, great start.
  5. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    great season opener.

    but what bugged me the most is how they went about clearing the zombies from the initial yard at the prison. rather than waste their bullets, they could have just attracted all of them to the fence where they could have killed them all from the safety of the other side with hand weapons.

    worse, when they decided to try and get inside the prison cell block, they could have done the same thing, but they chose to rush in and engage in hand to hand.

    of course, if they did this to kill all the zombies, it wouldn't have made for very exciting tv.
  6. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I loved the opener. Thought it was well done and entertaining, but since we're getting technical I thought I'd chime in. ;)

    My issues with zombie killing are many. I mean if rigamortis set in, would the flesh and muscle be a lot tougher to cut through? Not to mention it would be hard to do one slice through bone- no matter how sharp the sword- for a beheading. I mean there have been guillotines that have not gone clean through right? I have to suspend disbelief also when they kill zombies in the head (stabbing motion) with a hunting knife and/or pipe. It's a skull. You can't go in that easy. Personally I think they should have distracted the zombies, get them in one area, and set them ablaze somehow.
  7. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    not an easy task but a good knife will penetrate a skull

    and as far as swords going thru bone here's a little shout out to cold steel

    I love how this stuff gets questioned but the biggie doesn't... can any of you bite clean thru cloth and flesh? standard military garb,some gloves and a layer of thermal will keep you safe from 99% of zombie attacks in which you are not swarmed, if you have a suit of shark armor and a motorcycle helmet you are the F'ing highlander of the zombie apocalypse, you could nap in a field and not worry about a thing
  8. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    2 things I would not mind seeing from this series (as they are generally missing from zombie material) are a "tank" character (maybe T-dogg will hit the gym with the inmates) and someone immune to bites (yeah I know that drops alot of tension off a character but would add alot of possibilities plot wise) just imagine the shock of a healthy looking character rolling up there sleeves to show you their bite scars
  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Hmm I want a Chinese War Sword now! That heavy set guy with the stash is funny when they slow mo him in the video. I mean come on- pick a better outfit to sword play in! 2:40 is exactly what I mean about swords sticking in the flesh/bone.
  10. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

  11. g_money

    g_money Addicted

    Best thing I've "heard" in a while.
  12. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I haven't really thought much about the kills in the show, both human and zombie. I imagine that with the right sword and under the right circumstances, you could behead the zombies in one stroke. I don't know enough of Michonne's character or her weapon to say whether that is realistic in her case. It seems likely that physiological changes have been occurring to the zombies since I would guess we're nearing about 9 months since the initial outbreak. There is probably significant soft tissue degradation at this point. Assuming realism, you have to think that the virus also consumes the body's materials in order to produce energy to keep the zombie 'alive' when there is no other food source. So there may be erosion of cartilage and bone that would make it even easier to harm the zombies.

    As for the zombie kills, they are probably stronger than their pre-zombie selves as the virus wouldn't moderate their strength to prevent them from hurting themselves. For example, if you bit someone to hurt them, you wouldn't bite them hard enough to break your teeth- but a zombie would. There's also been a few places where the zombies have torn through flesh with their bare hands, which would be pretty difficult for normal humans.

    The biggest head-scratcher to me is how long the zombies will last before they decompose to a point where they're no longer mobile. If you leave a body in the sun, it won't be anywhere near as well-preserved as some of those zombies that are still running around outside 9 months later. So there has to be some delayed decomposition effect of the virus. On the other hand, we seem to be seeing more zombies that are significantly skeletonized, so they do appear to decompose after a certain point.

    I'm sure you can come up with tons of these questions if you really pick at it. Another one is the dead bodies that are not zombies (how is that possible if everyone is infected?). Or why does it even matter if the zombie bites you if you're already infected?

    I'd love to see more 'science' in the show, but it's a fun series nonetheless.
  13. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

  14. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Any thoughts on last week's episode? That winter really hardened Rick. I think next week is going to focus on Andrea, Michonne and the Governor.
  15. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    So what was up with Carol carving that zombie and who was watching? Someone from the governor's brigade?
    So far I've enjoyed these seasons. The pacing has been great.
  16. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

  17. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    she was practicing her c-section technique. pure speculation but I think the secret admirer was Merle.
  18. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    pure speculation but I think the secret admirer was Merle

    this is what I have my money on especially if you watch the preview for next week
  19. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    No kidding! Really good second episode. Great to be enjoying the series this much. Let's hope the quality keeps up.
  20. brobles

    brobles S7 Royalty

    I really liked season 2 but this new season is doesnt compare! The entire episodes have been action packed and have developed the story well.
  21. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    so am I the only one that hopes the mustached inmate doesn't turn out to be a sack of shit? there's just something about the guy I like but have a feeling at least one of the inmates will cause trouble at some point, oh yeah and try saying T-Dogg is a nobody this season everyone has stepped their game up tremendously but Teddy is turning into a serious enfocer with that riot shield
  22. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    I think may be you didn't watch the second episode?

  23. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I remain pretty much unimpressed with the show, and think it is largely getting such a big following due to the utter crap out there on TV right now....Homeland winning emmys, really? But anyways, aside from all the typical genre zombie/physicality of it that doesn't stand up to real scrutiny, I can't fathom why, as has been said, they wouldn't just pick of the zombies one by one, since the entire compound is secure, and they can easily retreat to fenced areas/cell blocks. I also am tired of this whole, 'oh look, we are all safe - oh no! one of us was accidentally bitten/scratched how did we miss that guy' that is always a cop out for killing off characters and/or adding drama. But the real thing that ticked me off was the lazy writing regarding the convicts. How was is feasible that they survived locked in a room for a year, even with a food supply this is a huge stretch, nevermind the health effects of this and that they immediately digress into typical inmates when set loose - but mostly, how was it they were switching back and forth from awareness of the zombies to no knowledge of them? The entire compound is overrun by deadites, and you've been locked in a room for a year, don't you think that is a little weird.
  24. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    no I saw that crazyness
    I meant out of the 2 that are left
    I'm not excatly a fan of why they are in jail but it could be alot worse
    as I'm guessing the latino guy wasn't in there for pety theft or tax evasion, skinny black guy is up in the air as he just kinda panicked(maybe for a good reason "high everyone I'm in here because I am a Mo")
    but time will tell
  25. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Last night was another good episode. Nice reprieve/ and or contradiction from the 'bare bones' group at the prison. I like how they were subtle with letting the viewer know just how evil the governor is. Nice seeing
    again, although I would have preferred a bit of a different speech when talking to Andrea then the same one we saw on the rooftop in Season 1.

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