Sick of Star Wars

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Robert DeCastro, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Good to know. I'll hunt it and Harmy's "Jedi" down. Thanks!

    "Delousing" :lol:
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Yeah, I grabbed Jedi too but haven't been able to bring myself to watch it. I'm sure I'll love it when I do but I've pretty much avoided the first final chapter since puberty hit.
  3. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Wow, same here. In fact, I've only ever seen it twice. First in original release. Despite my intense love of the first movie "Jedi" was too Muppety/Ewoky. Then a few years back, a friend kinda forced me to watch the special edition. I admit I laughed uncontrollably when Hayden Christensen's ghost showed up at the end, but otherwise it was still pretty painful. Since we're confessing, here's another sinful heresy: Yoda was the original Jar-Jar.

    I humbly await the hangman's noose. :)
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

  5. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    There's a difference between nerd rage and outgrowing pubescence.

    At least I didn't call Yoda a racist stereotype. ;)
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Sorry, that was a self-directed gif. And as for the latter, I'll let you know when it happens. :oops:

    But still, Frank Oz pre-prequels can do no wrong. Yes the ewoks were cuddly and quite possibly extremely annoying add-ons (they should have kept it on Kashyyk), but by eliminating Jedi from your viewings you are cutting off a whole lot of awesome from the trilogy. Just sayin'.

    Oh, and Jar-Jar was a complete racist stereotype as well, one I wish no one in the world was ever subjected to. George, I am angry at you.

  7. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I'm not being as serious as I sound, just playing Dark Side's Advocate. Haven't we all taken some heat from someone at some point for being adult toy collectors? :)
  8. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Ah, no one is being too serious here Dean. :) Child Threepio may seem to be covered in gold plated armour, but his inner feelings are soft and squidgy.

  9. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Is that you? Hahaha, great pic. OK, my apologies to your inner child, but I'm still mad at Uncle George for thinking that having Anakin build Threepio was an acceptable idea. No offense but I'm not sure that giving Threepio a blaster is a great idea, either. :lol:
  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Wait I collect sex toys Dean?!!! WTF! Kidding, but yeah the heat is on 100% from 99.9% of the people I know who do not have collections of their own or visit SB. Sell those doll things, grow up, etc etc is all I ever hear. I just block it out and say "You first..." if anything anymore.

    Kind of want to watch the original Star Wars trilogy (Empire etc) now, and yes the Ewoks fucking suck. I was happy when some of them died.
  11. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Alas, no, I don't have any of my old timey pics handy, but need to get around to scanning them someday. It is a pretty accurate representation though. I was initially thinking giving Threepio a light saber would be a brilliant idea, since he doesn't possess nearly the grip capacity to hold properly, and would quickly dice himself up (a plus), but then I thought about how this didn't really seem to affect his speech in Empire.

    As for 'adult toys' there sure seems to be a lot of crossover lately, looking at companies like Fetish Mode. I am not sure if that is a good thing for our hobby or not. :lol: I really need to grab some decent versions of the trilogy too, I am still suffering through the terrible "bonus" versions on the DVDs that are basically VHS transfers (yet another thing to thank ol' George for).
  12. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I guess I walked right into that one LOL. (Quickly hides Deatsquids and Damnedrons from view.)

    The heck with the "grow up" crowd. I just might bring my OG Kenner Star Wars board game to the Super7 shindig this weekend. Proudly, along with my rapidly graying hair. :lol:
  13. Gadrylla

    Gadrylla Toy Prince

    I never minded the Ewoks. Even now they don't bother me. Granted all of this is tinged through the lens of my 7 year old self standing in line to see Jedi opening weekend, but I was never bothered by it. Besides, THEY ATE THE STORMTROOPERS. Cute and cuddly, but voracious carnivores.
  14. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    I watched them all last year machete order. It was a lot of fun and I am assuming with these new ones I will have to find a way to make them make sense.
  15. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    hate the ewoks? even if it was unintentional the whole primitive tribe beats back colonial oppressors angle is the shit
  16. Dean

    Dean Prototype

  17. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Anyone else here a fan of Damon Packard? Parts of the recent discussions here reminded me of this particular bit from his reworking of the docs from the prequels. The whole thing is tubable if anyone wants to brave all 33 minutes of it.
  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Couple things today from the great world of the interwebs. Not sure if someone has seen this before, but this is an interesting proposal for viewings of the films (if you really want to subject yourself to the prequel trilogy, which I know I don't).

    The Star Wars Saga: Introducing Machete Order

    Also found this graph pretty funny. I would say there is some argument to be made for shifting the exact date to include a buffer zone of indifference around 1975, but otherwise I would say it is pretty accurate - and totally astute of the author.

  19. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    Okay I totally want to show my son the Machete order when he's old enough for Star Wars. Solid arguments all around in that post!
  20. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Most of you have probably heard of "Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut" ... or maybe not...

  21. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    It does make sense, right? there are other things that come up, and it certainly makes for a more entertaining and greater 'oh, god! what!?' moments.
  22. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

  23. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Fantastic article! I realize that it's about the evolution of the official logo that's burned into all of our brains, but as a side note there was another one created for the 1-year anniversary of SW's original release. The movie was still playing a full year later ... 20th Century Fox revitalized the release with a whole new batch of ads that harkened to the Flash Gordon era of cinematic space opera (as did the original opening title crawl) with Art Deco typography and other graphic references. This example is from the San Francisco Chronicle's Sunday edition "pink section" circa May 1978:

  24. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    ^ you should send them to the author of that article! it'd be great to see your scans in context with the others.
  25. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I might although at first glance I don't see a way to e-mail the author, but I'll figure it out. I must have read the article too quickly, because I just now noticed that there is a full-color poster included from the 1-year anniversary. As I recall there was also a cute version that included a birthday cake topped with SW action figures. I'll see if I can dig it up.

    For what it's worth, the ad you can see bleeding through from the other side of the scanned image was for the Warren Beatty remake of "Heaven Can Wait." Hahaha ... talk about a long, long time ago!

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