Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by JoeMan, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  2. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    That's just a splendid photo and color way!
  3. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  4. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  5. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Interesting read on Joe's instagram this morning - worthwhile posting here to keep on record:

    Part 1, history:

    My golem was inspired by Jewish folklore. In Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah, a golem could be brought it to life by inscribing the Hebrew letters "emet" or truth on it. And destroyed by removing the first letter to alter emet into "Met" or death.
    I like Old Testament god, he's angry and easily offended. And I imagined any attempt at recreating life would be a cursed ritual and create a cursed being that couldn't be so easily destroyed, but would instead punish those who created it.

    Part 2, technique:

    Normally when I sculpt a standard size toy it takes me about 3 months to get it to point where I'm happy. I actually sculpted this golem over the span of about 3 days. I really wanted to get at the essence of an ancient golem, sculpted centuries ago, out of mud or river clay, not by an artist but by a religious figure. I also sculpted it completely with Tera cotta, trying to use a clay that somewhat resembled a river clay or mud. It was difficult to change my process so greatly, but I thought it was necessary. Even now I look at it and say, I should have changed this or that, and I fall into the mindset I have in all my other sculptures. I have to stop myself and remind myself of what this creature is and why I made the decisions I made.
    There is no brand stamp on this figure, no secretoy, no splurrt, no made in Japan. Only "met" on the foot.
    Really I am only comfortable experimenting like this and taking such a risk because of the assistance of Grody Shogun behind the scenes. So thank you Luke.
  6. super77m

    super77m Comment King

    Thank you for sharing this great story and insight into the process.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  7. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Knowing the story makes me like and want to own this toy more. I love seeing and hearing about the process of toys.
  8. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    The fact that Joe even changed up his process to do the toy proper justice says a lot.
    Nuggets303420 likes this.
  9. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    @xSuicide Squadx , what happened to all your photos on this page?
  10. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Photobucket updated on iOS and broke all my images. Like...every single one of my images on this board are now "not found".
  11. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    I've been trying to figure this out all day! I'm very sorry to hear that, I thought it was just my phone at first. I don't suppose it will just fix itself?
  12. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    That... Really... Sucks... I also use photobucket and have a mac. I hope this doesn't happen to me when I sign back on the computer. Still, it wouldn't be nearly as impactful as the loss of your photos on sb. You put a lot of work into em and they've been some of the best here. I'm sorry, Robut. I hope there's some kind of way to repair em on a whole without the need to fix them individually... Are you just going to leave em or have you come across a good solution yet?.. Damn.
  13. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @patrickvaz Yeah, it's a huge bummer. All my photos have been uploaded from my phone, and the mobile app has been all I've used since 2010. I have no idea if it'll fix itself with an update, but Photobucket doesn't update much of anything at all.

    @boon velvet I have all of my originals(thankfully) since I've joined this board. So worst case scenario, I just find another service and start from scratch.
  14. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    @xSuicide Squadx , that's a huge ordeal to take on, but much respect for wanting to correct your broken links... At least you didn't solely depend on photobucket as your backup and you have the originals. But what a hassle. Sorry, man. Hopefully anyone else here using the same setup will see this and ignore the pb update if they can help it.

    Completely agree with what @Brooklyn_Vinyl said in the Fuck You thread about this; "That's a damn shame and a loss for this community."
    Nuggets303420 likes this.
  15. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Man, that fucking sucks. so many images vanished. The last few times I've used that app, ios has basically warned me not to run it. It sucks, time to move on from photobucket
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  16. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    ^^^ Commented on that golem photo and loved his description about why he went about it the way he did. It's a simple sculpt, and I guarantee you if it was made by anyone else it would be getting buckets of flack for being "Way too generic" or "FUGLY". I love it. Can't wait to see this sculpt in different pulls.
    coma21 likes this.
  17. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Definitely blows, @JoeMan. But at least they only disappeared from the boards temporarily. Between my old phone, and the current, I can still get the images back up. It'll just be annoying with how many new posts I'll be making, and how much time it'll take. But I love the images and toys enough that it'll be worth it to continue sharing. Just gotta figure out what service to rock next.

    I also commented on Joe's new Golem figure. I'm pretty stoked to see such a monstrous toy with purpose in both its character and aesthetic. It isn't texture, certainly not heavy texture, for the sake of texture. There's reason, backstory and intention, as well as what I'd say is a good, personal chunk of Joe himself in the sculpt. The fact that there's no label for Secretoy or Splurrt, just lore of the legend, is so rad. And I really like that Joe explained that this figure was a major change of pace and a breakaway from his traditional methods. Super excited about this one, as I always am.
    Nuggets303420 and MisterYuck like this.
  18. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Just makes me want a Secretoy logo patch or red and white ringer tee or something. Matches my YUCK! logo pretty well.
  19. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    I have since moved to IMGUR for uploading and posting pix and it seems to be working like a champ so far.. lame ass Photobucket has let me down in a major way.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  20. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    There are two AMAZINGLY bad ass Cinema Monster one offs, one of which is the best split paint with "zebra" stripes, on Mandarake. And right when I have both an anniversary coming up, and Five Points. I hate the aftermarket sometimes. :oops:
    Nuggets303420 likes this.
  21. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  22. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I can't say enough nice things about this sculpt. I can not stop playing with it or pairing it up with pretty much every toy I own. Even pairing it up with records ;)
  23. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

  24. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Joe. In absolute awe of how bad ass this camo version is.


  25. dago

    dago Comment King

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